The Routledge Companion to Russian Literature


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The Routledge Companion to Russian Literature
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (27 Sep 2001) | 288 pages | ISBN 0415233666 | PDF | 1 MB

The volume covers the entire span of Russian literature , from the middle ages to the post-soviet period, and explores all the forms that have made it so famous : poetry,drama and, of course , the Russian novel.A particular emphasis is given to the works of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,when Russian literature achieved worldwide recognition through the works of writers such as Pushkin,Dostoyevsky,Tolstoy,Chekhov,Nabokov and Solzheniysyn. Covering such diverse subjects such as women's writing , Russian literary theory ,socialist realism and emigre writing, leading international scholars open up the wonderful diversity of Russian literature.


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