كتاب : Thomas' Calculus, Multivariable


اللؤلؤ المنثور

Thomas' Calculus, Multivariable By George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass
Publisher: Add ison W e s l e y; 12 edition 2009 | 584 Pages | ISBN: 0321643690 | PDF | 139 MB

Calculus hasn’t changed, but readers have. Today’s readers have been raised on immediacy and the desire for relevance, and they come to calculus with varied mathematical backgrounds. Thomas’ Calculus, Twelfth Edition, helps readers successfully generalize and apply the key ideas of calculus through clear and precise explanations, clean design, thoughtfully chosen examples, and superior exercise sets. Thomas offers the right mix of basic, conceptual, and challenging exercises, along with meaningful applications. This significant revision features more examples, more mid-level exercises, more figures, improved conceptual flow, and MyMathLab®, the best in technology for learning and teaching.


  • Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates;
  • Vectors and the Geometry of Space;
  • Vector-Valued Functions and Motion in Space;
  • Partial Derivatives;
  • Multiple Integrals;
  • Integration in Vector Fields;
  • Second-Order Differential Equations



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