Thesis: Boron Nitride Nanotubes Grown by Non-Ablative Laser Heating_ Synthesis, Characterisation and


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Boron Nitride Nanotubes Grown by Non-Ablative Laser Heating_ Synthesis, Characterisation and Growth Process
presented at 2001, don't underestimate it

The original and main objective of this work was to study the formation of nano-tubes and related nano-structures. Such growth mechanisms are still under much controversy today. Very basic knowledge like, where does growth occur, what is the role of the atmosphere, what is the role of temperature (and phase transitions), is still not made clear. Furthermore, it is not made clear if there is a unique (or a limited number of) common process, independent of methods and materials. The origin of this low knowledge level is the fact that all present synthesis methods feature complex processes, hence fairly difficult to describe. Ablation methods usually use a pulsed laser beam (often a YAG) coupled with an oven heating. The resulting effects on a bulk material like graphite are many, and resulting structures are so dispersed in the apparatus, that growth zones are unclear. The same is true for an electric arc discharge on a bulk material
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