Plasma Physics: An Introduction to the Theory of Astrophysical, Geophysical and Laboratory Plasmas


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Plasma Physics: An Introduction to the Theory of Astrophysical, Geophysical and Laboratory Plasmas By Peter Andrew Sturrock
Publisher: C U P 1994 | 347 Pages | ISBN: 0521443504 , 0521448107 | DJVU | 2 MB

Plasma Physics is an authoritative and wide-ranging pedagogic study of the "fourth" state of matter. The constituents of the plasma state are influenced by electric and magnetic fields, and in turn also produce electric and magnetic fields. This fact leads to a rich array of properties of plasma described in this text. The author uses examples throughout, many taken from astrophysical phenomena, to explain concepts. In addition, problem sets at the end of each chapter will serve to reinforce key points. A basic knowledge of mathematics and physics is preferable to fully appreciate this text. This book provides the ideal introduction to this complex and fascinating field of research, balancing theoretical aspects with practical and preparing the graduate student for further study.



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