Thesis: Investigations on the preparation of composite polysaccharide films and micro-nanoparticles


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طاقم الإدارة
Investigations on the preparation of composite polysaccharide films and micro-nanoparticles for novel applications
Environmental awareness and the demand for green technology have led to a rapidly increasing interest in the application of natural and renewable polymers especially polysaccharides for industrial applications in areas of foods, textiles, paints, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Biocompatibility, biodegradability, non toxicity, water solubility and a broad range of functional properties makes these polysaccharides extremely useful. Moreover polysaccharide particles, gels and edible films are of great significance in today’s scenario, particularly in medical, cosmetic and food industries. Considering these bright prospects, we selected two important abundantly available plant derived glucans, an -glucan, starch and a [1]- glucan, xyloglucan for our investigations

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بوركت اخي الحبيب د.سعد
كما وعدتك سابقا" افكر بالقريب العاجل ان اثبت هذة الاطروحات
في موضوع واحد وذلك طبعا" باذن من اخواني "AHMED FIRST" , "CHEMISTRY"
تقبل مروري واحترامي الشديد لك يا "بروفيسور المنتدى"

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