Oxford Take Off In Latin American Spanish

winter rose

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Oxford Take Off In Latin American Spanish

Audio/Languages | Oxford University Press | 2008 | ISBN: 0199534403 | MP3 CBR 48kbps | 05:13:55 | 141 MB | no book
Take Off In Latin American Spanish makes learning or brushing up on your Latin American Spanish quick, easy, and fun. Follow an integrated course including activities and dialogues with native speakers so you can feel confident in day-to-day conversation. The course offers expert help when you are travelling with a handy phrase book and mp3 audio download for practice while on the move. This post contains full audio material from Oxford's website equivalent to 5 CDs, which can be used without book, as each word and dialogue is explained in English. One of the disk has exercises for extending your vocabulary, and memorizing grammatic patterns.

بوركت جهودك زهرتنا الرائعة
اسأل الله لك العفو والعافية بالدارين

بوركت جهودك زهرتنا الرائعة
اسأل الله لك العفو والعافية بالدارين

وفقك الله في كل عمل وبارك لك فيه وجزاك الجنة
سررت بعطر مرورك المميز
اللهم اطل في عمرك واحسن عملك و ازد في اجرك و نوّر بصيرتك وسدد خطاك وجمّل خُلُقك وحبب خلقه فيك وجعل الجنة مِسك خاتمتك