Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 10.0.0 Build


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Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 10.0.0 Build


برنامج الحماية الشهير كوربوريت سيمانتك في اصدار جديد
لا يحتاج ارقام تسجيل

* Advanced, enterprise-wide virus protection and monitoring from a single management console
* NEW! Enhanced protection from spyware and adware, including:
o Real-time protection to reduce the risk of spyware reaching the system
o Automatic removal for easy disposal of security risks
o Side-effect repair to clean up registry entries, files, and browser settings after hard-to-find spyware infection
o Control over spyware settings via existing Symantec™ AntiVirus Corporate Edition management interface
* NEW! Enhanced tamper protection guards against unauthorized access and attacks, protecting users from viruses that attempt to disable security measures
* Backed by Symantec™ Security Response, the world’s leading Internet security research and support organization

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