Learn Spanish the Fast and Fun Way


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Gene Hammitt , "Learn Spanish the Fast and Fun Way"
Barron's Educational Series | 2002 | ISBN: 0764125508 | 288 pages | PDF | 15,8 MB

Updated with helpful facts and tips for international travelers, this new third editions of Learn Spanish the Fast and Fun Way is suitable as language teaching book for adults as well as for older children. It instructs beginners in the basics of reading, writing, understanding, and speaking Spanish. The book lightens language-learning routines with cartoon-style illustrations, language games, and puzzles. A set of vocabulary flashcards and a small staple-bound bilingual dictionary booklet are bound into the book's spine and can be easily removed for supplementary use.


اللهم اطل في عمرك واحسن عملك و ازد في اجرك و نوّر بصيرتك وسدد خطاك وجمّل خُلُقك وحبب خلقه فيك وجعل الجنة مِسك خاتمتك