Spanish Around the House: The Quick Guide to Communicating with Your Spanish-Speaking Employees


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة

José M. Díaz and María F. Nadel
McGraw-Hill | 2005-03-15 | ISBN: 0071469478 | 300 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

Your easy-to-follow guide for communicating with and understanding Spanish-speaking employees
Spanish Around the House gives you the knowledge and tools you need to understand, interact, and build stronger working relationships with your Spanish-speaking personnel.
This easy-to-navigate guide requires little or no previous Spanish language abilities. From basics and pronunciation to grammar, Spanish words spelled phonetically, tips on interviewing potential employees, and more, this timely and vital guide features:
More than 4,000 key words and phrases--with Spanish pronunciation
What to say and not say when interviewing potential employees
A sample bilingual job application
Important information about Latino culture

اللهم اطل في عمرك واحسن عملك و ازد في اجرك و نوّر بصيرتك وسدد خطاك وجمّل خُلُقك وحبب خلقه فيك وجعل الجنة مِسك خاتمتك
اللهم اطل في عمرك واحسن عملك و ازد في اجرك و نوّر بصيرتك وسدد خطاك وجمّل خُلُقك وحبب خلقه فيك وجعل الجنة مِسك خاتمتك
اخجلتني اخي الفاضل بجميل كلامك
اسأل الله التوفيق من كل ضيق في علمك وعملك
