K. M. Koh; F. M. Dong; E. G. Tay, "Introduction to Graph Theory: H3 Mathematics"
World Scientific Publishing Company | 2007-03-15 | ISBN: 9812703861 | 244 pages | PDF | 2,8 MB
Graph theory is an area in discrete mathematics which studies configurations (called graphs) involving a set of vertices interconnected by edges. This book is intended as a general introduction to graph theory and, in particular, as a resource book for junior college students and teachers reading and teaching the subject at H3 Level in the new Singapore mathematics curriculum for junior college. The book builds on the verity that graph theory at this level is a subject that lends itself well to the development of mathematical reasoning and proof.
# Fundamental Concepts and Basic Results
# Graph Isomorphisms, Subgraphs, the Complement of a Graph
# Bipartite Graphs and Trees
# Vertex-Colourings of Graphs
# Matchings in Bipartite Graphs
# Eulerian Multigraphs and Hamiltonian Graphs
# Digraphs and Tournaments