Fluenz Spanish 2 Audio CD

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Fluenz Spanish 2 Audio CD

Fluenz.org | 2009 | MP3 |198 MB

Fluenz Spanish is divided into sessions that are introduced and led by Sonia Gil, the on-screen tutor. After a realistic conversation between native Spanish speakers, Sonia returns to give a full tutorial on all the new words and structures to be learned in that session.
Next comes a series of challenging workouts that provide an ideal training ground for developing the learner's reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities. Each session features a set of clear, common sense tools that make a true difference.
Relevant Learning, Real Communication

The Fluenz approach is based on getting learners to understand how to structure relevant sentences ("I need a taxi"), rather than relying on the association of words and images to learn how to say things like "apple" or "orange," the more typical fare offered by programs that try to get you to learn like a child.
Starting with clear explanations in English and following with extensive workouts, Fluenz builds steadily from useful structures like questions and commands ("Stop here, please") and useful vocabulary (related to restaurants, transportation, directions, etc.) to more and more complex communication.
Comprehensive audio CDs
Moving beyond typically dry and hollow language learning tapes, we engaged two professionals who could communicate the richness and emotion of Spanish. Fluenz Spanish 1+2 comes with two audio CDs: one recorded by Edgar Ramirez, one of Hollywood's emerging Latino actors, and the other by Ivan Loscher, one of the most recognizable voices in Spanish through his work with HBO Latin America. Edgar starred opposite Keira Knightley in Domino, played the fearsome "asset" in The Bourne Ultimatum, and has worked alongside William Hurt, Forest Whitaker, and Benicio del Toro.

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