LL Fast & Easy Spanish: The 60-Minute Survival Program (Audiobook)

winter rose

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طاقم الإدارة
LL Fast & Easy Spanish: The 60-Minute Survival Program (Audiobook)
By Living Language

Living Language | 1991 | ISBN: 0517585790 | Audio CD | mp3 | 10,2 MB


Designed for travelers or beginners who want a brief introduction to a new language, each program teaches more than 300 essential words and phrases needed to get by in common travel situations. Package includes: 1 hour of instruction on cassette and insert cards with transcript and pronunciation guide.

From the Inside Flap
Fast: If you've always wanted to learn Spanish or need to learn it in a hurry, here is a quick, stress-free introduction to the basics. This 60-minute audio course features more than 300 essential Spanish words and phrases.

Easy: A narrator guides you through the program, providing brief explanations and English translations of the foreign phrases. All you have to do is listen and repeat after the native actors.

Effective: Short quizzes in this interactive course help you think in Spanish. Lessons include little dialogues so you can hear Spanish spoken naturally. Learn both pronunciation and comprehension skills.

Portable: A mini-script with pronunciation guide is included, but the cassette may be used alone. It's easy to learn on the go: in a car, on a plane, even while walking or jogging.


أتمنى لو أجيد الاسبانية يوما ما كي أقول لكي
Gracias, mi libro de flores árabes
Gracias por este trabajo
أتمنى لو أجيد الاسبانية يوما ما كي أقول لكي
Gracias, mi libro de flores árabes
Gracias por este trabajo

Muchas Gracias doctor,Usted es un ser humano maravilloso y Muy Distintivo
Me gustaría que el mejor

Dios te proteja
اللهم اطل في عمرك واحسن عملك و ازد في اجرك و نوّر بصيرتك وسدد خطاك وجمّل خُلُقك وحبب خلقه فيك وجعل الجنة مِسك خاتمتك