A Grammar of the Turkish Language


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طاقم الإدارة

Thomas Vaughan: "A Grammar of the Turkish Language"
Publisher: n/a | ISBN: n/a | edition: London, 1709 | PDF | 124 Pages | 3,5 Mb

In 1709, Thomas Vaughan, an English merchant in Turkey, published his Turkish grammar in London. However, he did not use Ottoman-Arabic types, and all the Turkish words and examples in the book are romanised. The only exceptions are engraved plates showing the alphabet and the text of a bill of exchange. It seems clear that Vaughan, a hard-headed businessman, did not think it worthwhile to invest in an expensive Ottoman-Arabic type-fount and experts able to use it, and preferred this cheaper method. He probably also reckoned that romanisation could better convey the pronunciation, so that his fellow merchants and others could use the book to learn to transact business in Turkish, which is what they really needed.



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