Nanodispersions: Interactions, Stability, and Dynamics


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طاقم الإدارة

Eli Ruckenstein, Marian Manciu
699 pages | Springer; 1 edition (December 10, 2009) | 1441914145 | PDF | 17 Mb

Nanomaterial science has received increasing attention over the last twenty years. As more and more applications are discovered in medical sciences, physics, chemistry, polymer science, material science and engineering, there is a growing need for a basic understanding of nanoparticle interactions and their role in the thermodynamic and kinetic stability of nanodispersions.

"Nanodispersions: Interactions, Stability and Dynamics" collects research in nanodispersion interactions and stability by the distinguished Eli Ruckenstein and his research group at SUNY-Buffalo. This book provides valuable insight into current investigations of nanotechnology



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