In-Flight Russian: Learn Before You Land

winter rose

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In-Flight Russian: Learn Before You Land

MP3 | 59 Min | 128/kbps | 53MB

Short lessons make In-Flight Russian easy to use, and a handy pocket-sized insert is included as a cheat sheet for use on the go.

There's no better way to make use of all that spare time on a plane than to master the essentials of a language. This 60-minute program is the simplest way to learn just enough to get by in every situation essential to both the tourist and business traveler.

The program covers everything from greetings and polite expressions to asking directions, getting around, checking into a hotel, and going to a restaurant. There are

even sections for meeting people and spending a night on the town.


01 Saying Hello
02 Basic Expressions
03 Numbers
04 At the Airport
05 Getting Around
06 Asking Directions
07 At the Hotel
08 Making Friends
09 At the Restaurant
10 Telling Time
11 Money
12 Shopping
13 Staying in Touch
14 At the Train Station
15 Getting Help
16 Days and Months
17 Going Out
18 Asking Questions And Describing Things



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تفضلى بقبول فائق الشكر والتقدير


تتوالى الابداعات والروائع والمشاركات القيمة

مزيدا من العطاء والتقدم.....

تفضلى بقبول فائق الشكر والتقدير

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