Hilbert space method for partial differential equations


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ارجوكم ساعدوني في ايجاد هذه الكتب ولكم جزيل الشكر

الكتب المطلوبة هي :

1- Hilbert space method for partial differential
equations "By R. E. Showalter.

2- Masodrendu linearis parcialis differenceialegyenletek" By L. Simon, E. A. Baderko

3 - Partial differential equations of mathmatical physics " By S. L. Sobolev

4 - Some general problems of the theory of ordinary linear differential equation and expansion of an arbtirary function in series of fundamental functions " By Ya. D. Tamarkin
ارجوكم ساعدوني في ايجاد هذه الكتب ولكم جزيل الشكر

الكتب المطلوبة هي :

1- Hilbert space method for partial differential
equations "By R. E. Showalter.

2- Masodrendu linearis parcialis differenceialegyenletek" By L. Simon, E. A. Baderko

3 - Partial differential equations of mathmatical physics " By S. L. Sobolev

4 - Some general problems of the theory of ordinary linear differential equation and expansion of an arbtirary function in series of fundamental functions " By Ya. D. Tamarkin

1- Hilbert space method for partial differential



2- Partial differential equations of mathmatical physics

for Bateman




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