Spanish Demystified: A Self -Teaching Guide

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Spanish Demystified: A Self -Teaching Guide
Jenny Petrow
McGraw-Hill 2007 | ISBN-10: 007147658X | 464 Pages | PDF | 2,2 MB

Want to learn to speak Spanish but need to consult a dictionary just to find el baño? No problema! With Spanish Demystified you'll develop language skills so quickly you'll be saying hasta la vista to your phrasebook in no time.

Beginning with everyday Spanish expressions and a review of basic Spanish pronunciation, this book covers key grammar fundamentals such as common verb tenses, nouns, pronouns, and gender. Step by step, you'll build your Spanish vocabulary with essential words, idioms, and phrases and quickly master this versatile language. Test yourself at the end of every chapter for reinforcement that you're fast on your way to speaking, writing, and understanding Spanish.

This fast and easy guide features:
Clear grammatical explanations that illustrate how the language works
Numerous examples that place new vocabulary in practical context
Helpful writing and speaking exercises that bring the Spanish language to life
Coverage of everyday topics and conversational expressions
Quizzes at the end of each chapter that reinforce new language skills

Simple enough for a beginner but challenging enough for a more advanced student, Spanish Demystified is your shortcut to mastering this popular language.

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