The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Italian On Your Own


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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Italian On Your Own
Publisher: Alpha | Pages: 456 | 1998-05-11 | ISBN: 0028621255 | HTML | 8 MB

You're no idiot, of course. You know that Spaghettios aren't real Italian food, realize that America was discovered by an Italian, and even recognize Michelangelo's famous works of art. But when it comes to actually hunkering down and learning the Italian language, you feel all tongue-tied. Don't zip your lip just yet! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Italian on Your Own will start you on your way to speaking Italian like a Roman--all in a fun, easy-to-use format. Feel confident about conversing with native speakers, whether you're planning a vacation, preparing for a business trip, or acting on a long-held dream to be able to communicate in la bella lingua. In this Complete Idiot's Guide, you get:


خليني أحكي بصراحة
دكتور انت خااااااااااااارق ، ما شاء الله
الله يحفظك
مجهود عظيم
اشكرك مشرفتنا الرائعه بردودها وحضورها
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