Nanotechnology and Materials Technology Development


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Nanotechnology and Materials Technology Development
Pages: 67 | 2006-08 | ISBN N/A | PDF | 3 MB

Nanotechnology is an advanced technology that has received a lot of attention for its ability to make use of the unique properties of nanosized materials. Nanotechnology is capable of manipulating and controlling material structures at the nano level (a nanometer is equal to one millionth of a millimeter) and offering unprecedented functions and excellent material properties. Nanotechnology consists of the “top-down approach” and the “bottom-up approach.” In the former approach, the sophistication of fine processing technologies, such as semiconductor manufacturing, can lead to the processing of nanosized fine structures. In the bottom-up approach, self-organization properties inherent in materials can be utilized to assemble nanosized fine structures from the atomic or moleculer levels. Nanotechnology, including nanostructured material metrology to accurately determine physical properties at the nanolevel, is considered a strategic technological area that goes beyond conventional technologies, potentially leading to a paradigm shift in new industrial technologies. The basic concept of nanotechnology first emerged half a century ago. Actual observation and manipulation of nanosized atoms became possible when scanning tunneling microscopes came into practical use in the first half of the 1980s. Since the United States launched its National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) in 2000 as a strategic governmental research program, global nanotechnology research and development investment has been on the rise.


Nanotechnology consists of the “top-down approach” and the “bottom-up approach
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