Interesting Stories to Learn Proverbs


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة

R.K. Murthi
Pustak Mahal | 2009 | ISBN: 8122309062, 8122302815 | 176 pages | PDF | 3,1 MB

Proverbs are short well-known sentences or phrases that tell a general truth about life or offer advice. In other words, they present the gist of a moral tale or a fable prevalent in a specific society. And because of their universal appeal, many of these proverbs have crossed their social barriers, and have become part of the human-consciousness in general. In this book, many popular proverbs driving home some universal moral ideas have been compiled from different sources and cultural backgrounds. Besides many others, we have some of the most popular ones like: It is never too late to learn; Necessity is the mother of invention; and, Self-help is the best help etc. Given their popularity and universal acceptance, the stories connected to them have an appeal for the children and adults alike. Also, this specific illustrative format serves to enhance the recall-value of the proverbs besides affording the pleasure of interesting reading. Truly a treasure-trove you can delve into anytime to improve your knowledge and expand your horizon.