Instant IELTS: Ready-to-use Tasks and Activities: with Audio CD


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة

Guy Brook-Hart
C-ge University Press | 2004 | ISBN: 0521755336 | 128 pages, Audio CD | PDF, mp3 | 83,3 MB

This photocopiable resource is packed with a whole range of ready-to-use IELTS practice activities. The lively discussions and role plays that accompany them turn each IELTS task-type into a stimulating lesson. The thirty-four short lessons are each based around one IELTS task type, and the book is organised by paper type, giving teachers a flexible resource that they can tailor to their students' specific needs. Both Academic and General Training modules are covered. The Teachers' notes contain information on the exam format, and suggestions on how best to approach each task type. While the practice material itself is at the level students can expect to meet in the test, a choice of suggested approaches makes the book appropriate for intermediate students (around Band 5) or more advanced students (around Band 7). Ideas for supplementary activities provide homework solutions.
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