Carbon Nanotechnology: Recent Developments in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Device Appli


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة

| Pages: 750 | PDF | 100 MB

Nanotechnology is no longer a merely social talking point and is beginning to affect the lives of everyone. Carbon nanotechnology as a major shaper of new nanotechnologies has evolved into a truly interdisciplinary field, which encompasses chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, materials science and engineering. This is a field in which a huge amount of literature has been generated within recent years, and the number of publications is still increasing every year.

Carbon Nanotechnology aims to provide a timely coverage of the recent development in the field with updated reviews and remarks by world-renowned experts. Intended to be an exposition of cutting-edge research and development rather than a kind of conference proceeding, Carbon Nanotechnology will be very useful not only to experienced scientists and engineers, who wish to broaden their knowledge of the wide-ranging nanotechnology and/or to develop practical devices, but also to graduate and senior undergraduate students who look to make their mark in this field of the future

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