International physics olympiads : problems and solutions from 1967-1995


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة
C. Manilerd
This book is designed lo provide a guide for Physics teachers and tutors
who are in charge of preparing or wish to prepare their students for physics
competitions at the local levels leading on to the International Physics Olympiads.
The first half of the questions i.e. from 1966 to 1986 is taken from the material
presented to the authorduring his participation in a workshop forphysics teachers,
organized in 1990, Jassberrenyi, Hungary -as part of the activity related to
International Physics Olympiads. The rest of the problems has been collected by the author
during his terms as Director of the Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Sciences
and Technology - with the help of his colleagues who chaperoned Thai students to
various International Physics Olympiad competitions during subsequent years.
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