الجبر كتاب : Linear Algebra: An Introduction, Second Edition


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Linear Algebra: An Introduction, Second Edition
By Richard Bronson, Gabriel B. Costa

Publisher: Academic Press; 2 edition | 2007 | 520 Pages | ISBN: 0120887843 | PDF | 2.4 MB

"The text is unusually well and carefully written for a textbook and the exposition is very clear."
- George Feldvoss, University of South Alabama

"The quality of the exercises is better than that of Anton. Bronson's exercises seem more original and less trivial. While he does have routine drill problems his non-routine problems require the student to either extend the student's knowledge base or fill in a portion of a proof. The range on these problem sets is quite large, spanning the routine drill problems needed by all students to the theoretical problems for the better students."
-Renee Britt - Louisiana State University

"I appreciate the slow increase in the progression of difficulty with proofs... I regard the exposition as superior. Prof. Bronson's text is the best example I've ever seen of motivating definitions in linear algebra, right from the very first page... Bronson incorporates the application first, thus motivating the definition, going from concrete to abstract, instead of the reverse."
-Michael Ecker, The Pennsylvania State University




Linear Algebra: An Introduction, Second Edition
By Richard Bronson, Gabriel B. Costa
Publisher: Academic Press; 2 edition | 2007 | 520 Pages | ISBN: 0120887843 | PDF | 2.4 MB​
"The text is unusually well and carefully written for a textbook and the exposition is very clear."​
- George Feldvoss, University of South Alabama​
"The quality of the exercises is better than that of Anton. Bronson's exercises seem more original and less trivial. While he does have routine drill problems his non-routine problems require the student to either extend the student's knowledge base or fill in a portion of a proof. The range on these problem sets is quite large, spanning the routine drill problems needed by all students to the theoretical problems for the better students."​
-Renee Britt - Louisiana State University​
"I appreciate the slow increase in the progression of difficulty with proofs... I regard the exposition as superior. Prof. Bronson's text is the best example I've ever seen of motivating definitions in linear algebra, right from the very first page... Bronson incorporates the application first, thus motivating the definition, going from concrete to abstract, instead of the reverse."​
-Michael Ecker, The Pennsylvania State University​
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