البرنامج الرائع : COMSOL Multiphysics 4.0a MULTIPLATFORM


اللؤلؤ المنثور


COMSOL Multiphysics 4.0a MULTIPLATFORM | 3.10 GB

The COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software environment facilitates all steps in the modeling process − defining your geometry, meshing, specifying your physics, solving, and then visualizing your results. Model set-up is quick, thanks to a number of predefined physics interfaces for applications ranging from fluid flow and heat transfer to structural mechanics and electromagnetic analyses. Material properties, source terms and boundary conditions can all be arbitrary functions of the dependent variables. Predefined multiphysics-application templates solve many common problem types. You also have the option of choosing different physics and defining the interdependencies yourself. Or you can specify your own partial differential equations (PDEs) and link them with other equations and physics.

MultiPlatform: PC, MAC, Linux.

More information: http://www.comsol.com/products/multiphysics/

Part 01 | Part 02 | Part 03 | Part 04 | Part 05
Part 06 | Part 07 | Part 08

Part 01 | Part 02 | Part 03 | Part 04 | Part 05
Part 06 | Part 07 | Part 08

Part 01 | Part 02 | Part 03 | Part 04 | Part 05
Part 06 | Part 07 | Part 08


Password: www.AvaxHome.ru

هدية العيد مقبولة ولكن معلش
ده تتعمل مشوية ولا مع مرق
عيد سعيد اخى العزيز
عمل رائع اخى العزيز
السلام عليكم أخي الغالي زيدان
أشكرك جزيل الشكر على هذه المشاركة وبالفعل كنت انتظر هذا البرنامج وبهذا الاصدار منذ فترة ولكن لدي سؤال هل يحتاج الى ترخيص ام انه يوجد ملف يحتوي على السيريال
جزاك الله خير الجزاء
السلام عليكم اخي العزيز .... في الواقع انا لم انزل البرنامج لذلك لا ادري هل معه ترخيص او سيريال .. وفقكم الله
أخي زيدان،
نعم يجب ان يأخذ الموضوع اهتمام أكبر،
مشكلتنا في الوطن العربي لا نعرف أهمية برامج النمذجة وبرامج المحاكاة،
لقد اشتغلت سابقا ولمدة 7 سنوات تقريبا في جوانب من هذا الموضوع واشعر بالحزن الشديد، وربما بالغيظ ايضا لعدم وجود اصداء حقيقية لهذا الموضوع في الوطن العربي،
رغم ان هذه البرامج قوة حقيقية!!!!!
انا عمري 51 سنة وأطلب من الشباب قيادة حملة في هذا الموضوع،
فهل من صدى وهل من مستجيب!!!!!
احدث نسخة لهذا البرنامج​
COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3 with Update 1​
COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3 with Update 1 | 4.7 Gb​

.Name: COMSOL Multiphysics
Version: 4.3 with Update 1 (
Home: www.comsol.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows / MacOsx / Linux
Size: 4.7 Gb​
Update Details​
AC/DC Module

Corrected boundary current source in Electric Currents, Shell.
Several corrections in GUI and Postprocessing.
Corrected the Maxwell stress tensor for frequency-domain models.
Corrected the Multiturn Coil resistance definition for time-dependent models.

Acoustics Module

Corrected handling of density in the Aeroacoustics with Flow interfaces.

Batteries & Fuel Cells Module

Corrected Plot Group definitions for electrode kinetic variables.

CFD Module

Corrected stabilization for Mixture Model to ensure mass conservation.
Several GUI stability improvements.

Chemical Reaction Engineering Module

Changed default Feed stream temperature from 0 to 293.15 K.

Heat Transfer Module

Several stability improvements.

MEMS Module

Infinite elements in the Electromechanics interface no longer require a license for the AC/DC Module.
Several stability improvements.

COMSOL Multiphysics

Improved stability and GUI performance.
Corrected the Modal solver to handle damping correctly.
Automatic remeshing with geometric multigrid now works correctly.
Material properties from User-defined material property groups now show symbols.
Corrected coordinate names shown in spatial coordinates table header in 2D.

Nonlinear Structural Materials Module

Improved stability.

Pipe Flow Module

Several stability improvements.
Volume force feature in 3D is now displayed correctly.
Flow resistance models for the Water Hammer interface now work correctly.

RF Module

Corrected the Maxwell stress tensor in the Electromagnetic Waves interfaces.
It is now possible to couple a 0D physics interface (such as Electrical Circuit) to boundary mode analysis models.
Corrected interface and improved stability.

Structural Mechanics Module

Corrected several discrepancies when using a non-zero phase variable.
Several stability improvements.

LiveLink™ for SolidWorks®

Several stability improvements and corrections for the bidirectional and the One Window interfaces.

LiveLink™ for Pro/ENGINEER®

Corrected stability issue that caused Pro/ENGINEER® to shut down when selecting COMSOL Parameter selection on a sketch feature.
Corrected ordering of parameter names.

LiveLink™ for MATLAB®

mphinterp now operates correctly also on a Cut Line data set based on a revolve 3D data set.

LiveLink™ for Inventor®

Parameter selections now also work on Windows XP.

LiveLink™ for Creo™ Parametric

Corrected stability issue that caused Creo Parametric to shut down when selecting COMSOL Parameter selection on a sketch feature.


COMSOL Multiphysics is a software environment for the modeling and simulation of any physics-based system. A particular strength is its ability to account for multiphysics phenomena. Optional modules add discipline-specific tools for mechanical, fluid, electromagnetics, and chemical simulations, as well as CAD interoperability. Founded in 1986, the company has U.S. offices in Burlington, MA, Los Angeles, CA, and Palo Alto, CA. International operations have grown to include offices in the Benelux countries, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Independent distributors of COMSOL Multiphysics are located in Australia, China, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Poland, South Africa, the Czech Republic, Spain, Taiwan, and Turkey.​

رائع جدا، عيوني الك يا ابو فهد الوردة