need book about blood transusion


السلام عليكم
please, I really have a problem with blood transfusion in the hospital where I work and I do need a book which covers everything about the matter , if possible , I mean the modalities of transfusion how to conserve , the length of transfusion what shoud we do before and after and this concens all the blood products
if someone can help I'll be very gratful
thank you so..................... much

Blood Transfusion: A Basic Text
World Health Organization | 1994-12 | ISBN: 9290211814 | 186 pages | PDF | 9 MB

A practical common-sense guide to the efficient organization and management of blood transfusion services. Developed during a series of workshops held in the Eastern Mediterranean region, the manual aims to help new services profit from global experience while encouraging established services to upgrade their practices and policies in line with rapid advances in blood banking technology. Information responds to the distinct needs and conditions seen in Eastern Mediterranean countries. Adopting a problem-oriented approach, the manual concentrates on three areas responsible for most weaknesses and most errors in the region's blood transfusion services: organization and management, blood donor motivation and blood collection, and quality assurance. Case studies and examples of country experiences are used throughout the text to facilitate understanding of day-to-day procedures as well as fundamental principles. The core of the manual consists of three detailed chapters covering the organization and management of blood transfusion services, the recruitment of donors and blood collection, and the complete range of management and operational systems needed for quality assurance.



New Developments in Blood Transfusion Research
Nova Science Publishers | 2006-08-30 | ISBN: 1594549621 | 182 pages | PDF | 1.83 MB

Although blood transfusion saves lives and reduces morbidities in many clinical diseases and conditions, it is associated with certain risks. A transfusion-related adverse event, also called transfusion reaction, is any unfavourable event occurring in a patient during or after blood transfusion. About 0.5 per cent to 3 per cent of all transfusions result in some adverse events, but the majority of them are minor reactions with no significant consequences. In general, transfusion-related adverse events are categorised as infectious and non-infectious. However, there are other classifications in the literature based on time of occurrence (i.e. acute versus delayed) or physiological mechanism (i.e. immune mediated versus non-immune mediated). A significant proportion of adverse events may occur as a result of errors in preparation, ordering or administration of blood and blood products. This book contains the latest research in this essential field which has been revolutionised in recent decades.


