بعض مشاريع التخرج الجامعية لهندسة الحاسب

في جامعتنا الكثير من المبدعين... وخصوصا في تخصص هندسة الحاسب الألي

حيث لديهم الكثير من الافكار العظيمة وإن كانت بسيطة

احببت ان انقل لكم بعض ابداعات طلابنا وجمعت بعض المشاريع مع توفر روابط للتحميل للملخصات موجودع على موقع غير تجاري مجانا ولا يحوي دعايات تجارية لانه موقع اكاديمي بحت

تم اخذ المشاريع من هنا:

Simple VOIP Over LAN

السنة الأكاديمية:

رائد القاضي

عبد الله ياسين
عبد الله جبر

هندسة الحاسوب



In the network world there are so many new and old protocols that was made specifically for real time application and in our case we will describe some of them that are concerned with voice but unfortunately these protocols (like: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP),H.323 ,….) need a special hardware to under stand there work and also we read some topics about the Voice Over Internet Protocol and the main problem in this is that there was no information about how to program or what to use to do the work all what we found is just explanation about how these protocols work over the network ,simply just description of meta work that these protocols do to deal with the voice in the network environment . So we changed our work to use a Java Media Framework (JMF).
JMF is a collection of classes and interfaces that build some API’s that deals with real time things like sound, video ,etc .

Description :

Our project is divide into two separated parts the voice\text chatting part (Instance Messages)with ftp and the voice mail part where both of them lays in the Client side and the Server side ,on each Client and Server we divide the work to be done by separate classes and then the main class will integrate them to do the work ,this thing increase the project functionality and make it easier to under stand but it still difficult to separate the work 100% and divide it on classes so that each one do a separate part of the work .
The ADXL202 Application (Car SpeedoMeter)l

السنة الأكاديمية:

لؤي ملحيس

عثمان محمد عثمان
محمد امين سلمان

هندسة الحاسوب



The main idea in this project is to find some new aspects , new things & to get rid of the traditional control through the micro controller.
It is made to measure the speed of any moving vehicle without having to plug the device to any wire in the vehicle , all what is required is the presence of the device inside the.
Control Lighting System

السنة الأكاديمية:

أشرف عرموش

سامر السعيد
مهند سلامه

هندسة الحاسوب




Lighting System Control consists of a control system through a computer (also by using PIC controller )and light to control it.

This project contain group of chips that share to implement a big system of how to switch on and off the lights in many rooms in a flat or many floors in a building in a systematic and programmable way.

In our project we take a building of eight floors as an example, we represent each floor as a LED to program the way for lighting a floor in abandon time to switch on automatically, and known in clock to switch off the lights in an exact time, because every floor in the building owns a special control in their lighting in the time .

We control the light of each floor separately from each other, the floor contains a system of rooms different from the other floors with the lighting way for the rooms.
But if we want to light the rooms in some ways, this would require too many LEDs to represent each room (this will take large hardware).
AD Forum

السنة الأكاديمية:

لؤي ملحيس

ضرار العاصي
عاصم المصري

هندسة الحاسوب

Forums are tools developed under Web, so they are web-based applications. These forums provides interactivity between users who are online or offline.
Users can exchange information online or offline. This site which we built was restricted to An-Najah National University.
Cache Simulator

السنة الأكاديمية:

لؤي ملحيس

رازي السيد
محمد ابو جاموس

هندسة الحاسوب



This thesis describes the design and implementation of the MLCacheSim, a cache simulator program. This product is designed to give the computer researchers, designers and students the ability to monitor cache systems behavior and determine the various cache systems performance.
The MLCacheSim is implemented using ANSI / ISO C++ programming language. This thesis introduces this as “The Simulator Engine” implementation.
A final analysis shows that many of the core modules are functional in the final implementation and that a fully operational Simulator is achieved.
Remote Control System

السنة الأكاديمية:

رائد القاضي

علاء ديب
محمد ياسين

هندسة الحاسوب




It's a web application software with two sides (server side and client side) and complex database structures and graphic editor to build systems hierarchically and make it easy to monitoring and controlling them securely and quickly from anywhere and anytime.
In addition to software runs in server side to simulate inputs and outputs to and from microcontroller circuits.
So let's start to control fans and light and …..in my house or in my car by my internet connection from any place and any time .
World Travel

السنة الأكاديمية:

لؤي ملحيس

اياد رملاوي
وسيم مصطفى

هندسة الحاسوب



our site "World Travel" to provide traveling services around the world, the traveling services include online car rent service, flight tickets service, hotel reservation service. Also we provide the dynamic administration services and accounts for the companies as well as the site administrator services and accounts; each of these parts has its own profile, permissions, services and data as described in the following section.
Replication Enviroment Manager

السنة الأكاديمية:

أشرف عرموش

يوسف حمادنه
ديمه صوالحة

هندسة الحاسوب



The main idea in the project is constructing a banking environment system that uses the replication as method of sharing data between several data-servers.
As the purpose of replication, is to manipulate the data required from a main Master server from other branches as if it is locally administered to decrease the traffic on the connection network to the master site, and to offer a benefit of working in an offline status to the main data source.
Other goals rise with ideas to computerize all the banking system actions and documentations plus providing bank services over a wide area that covers even 10s of countries so the customer can find his proper account on every branch anywhere with all his personal archives and information.
الف شكر اخي الكريم .. من الرائع ان يقوم الاخوان بعمل مشاريع جميلة ونشرها على النت لاستفادة اكبر عدد ممكن من الناس ... ولكن ما

نزال نخاف من جماعة ( نسخ ولصق ) والذين سياخذون المساريع ويقدمونها على انها منهم وللاسف...جزاك الله خيرا ..