Sensors Based on Nanostructured Materials


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة

Francisco J. Arregui
Springer | 2008 | ISBN: 0387777520 | 380 pages | PDF | 10,3 MB

Sensors Based on Nanostructured Materials” presents the many different techniques and methods of fabricating materials on the nanometer scale, and, specifically, the utilization of these resources with regard to sensors. The techniques which are described are studied from an application-oriented perspective, providing the reader with a broader perspective of the types of nanostructured sensors available than other books which concentrate on theoretical situations related to specific fabrication techniques. Rather than focus on possible techniques for future fabrication, this book describes and explores well established techniques for fabricating sensors using nanostructured materials, and serves as a multidisciplinary text which considers the uses in optics, electronics, and biochemistry.
