A Transition to Advanced Mathematics: A Survey Course


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طاقم الإدارة

William Johnston

Oxford University Press | 2009 | ISBN-10: 0195310764 | PDF | 768 pp | 5.4 MB

The authors of this book have two very different backgrounds in mathematics, and their teamwork allows for excellent discussions of all the topics that they cover. The section on complex analysis is particularly great as it is presented in a way that is certain to be accessible to any student that has completed the calculus sequence. Rather than quickly moving through various topics and bogging down the students with a long series of theorems, the authors present the complex analysis topics in a way that seems natural by concentrating on harmonic conjugates and the Cauchy-Reimann equations.
Many undergraduate students and instructors have trouble transitioning from the computational-based calculus to the proof-based topics in many higher-level math courses. This book is an excellent was to help students become familiar with the ideas behind proofs while simultaneously introducing them to several advanced topics.
As a former student of both of the professors and someone that has actually used a preliminary edition of the book in one of my undergraduate courses, I can safely assert that the authors certainly achieve their goal of creating a transition course that will help students understand the workings of advanced topics in mathematics.

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