مجموعة كبيرة من مشاريع التخرج الخاصة بطلاب هندسة الحاسوب

السلام عليكم

من الأشياء المهمة لدى الطلبة الخريجين المقبلين على عمل مشاريع للخرج من كلياتهم الاطلاع على مشاريع سابقة وافكار سبق انجازها من طلاب أخرين، لذلك احببت أن اجمع لكم بعضا من مشاريع التخرج لطلبة كلية الهندسة في جامعتي تخصص هندسة الحاسب

أمل ان تنال اعجابكم وتقديركم

سافرد مشاركة لكل مشروع فارجو ان تعذروني ان تاخرت بالرد على مشاركاتكم لانشغالي..

علما ان المشاريع تم انتقائها من هذه الصفحة:

المشروع الاول

المشروع الاول:

Controlling Hydraulic Robot Arm

السنة الأكاديمية: 2010

رائد القاضي

اسامة زعرور
محمد ملالحة

هندسة الحاسوب



We Tried To Make our Hydraulic Arm To achieve the following Competitions:

reach the greatest distance to deliver a given object
pick up the heaviest possible object
deliver the most objects in a given amount of time
function in an assembly line
Pick up Objects based on colors.
battle against another arm for an object
rotate as well as reach and grab

Hardware modules:
Every thing from scratch.
we make initial designs and a lot of testing since our knowledge in mechanics is limited ..

We use old VCR ,Voice recorder ,CD ROM, old wall clocks gears , table clocks gears, medical syringes, wood…etc

We use PIC18f4620 microcontroller with its built in PWM capability to control the 5 DC motors on the arm.
We tried to reduce cost of electronic parts by using a relay-based technique , that works fine instead of using many Microcontrollers and H-bridges, which costs a lot!.
المشروع الثاني:


السنة الأكاديمية:

هيا سماعنه

اسامة زعرور
محمد ملالحة

هندسة الحاسوب



Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an information industry term for methodologies, software, and usually Internet capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer relationships in an organized and efficient manner. In many cases, an enterprise builds a database about its customers. This database describes relationships in sufficient detail so that management, salespeople, and customer service reps can access information; match customer needs with product plans and offerings; remind customers of service requirements; know what other products a customer had purchased; etc
المشروع الثالث:

3D Scanner

السنة الأكاديمية:

علاء الدين المصري

بشار معلا
احمد خضر


هندسة الحاسوب



The main idea behind this project is to obtain the outer surface of the object . so the straight forward way that we considered is to slice the object to thin slices using a laser pointer formed into a line and aimed into the object, this laser line will take the outer shape of the thin part of object at this moment a camera positioned at a known angle captures an image of the object. And send it somehow to the PC “to be tilled later” , then rotate the object so that laser line covers another part of the object, repeat these steps until the whole object is scanned .
المشروع الرابع:

Air Mouse

السنة الأكاديمية:


أنس طعمة


مجدولين ابو طاقة
تودد صوص

هندسة الحاسوب




The system can be used as an input device for computers. Computers can interpret the hand movement as a mouse movement. This also can replace the way how we type through a keyboard, by following and recording fingers movements to detect what letter they pressed (On a virtual keyboard, maybe) or people could simply move their finger as they normally write with a pen, and the system can detect what letter they are writing and write it down!

People can also have collaborative working environment by creating more than one virtual keyboard and start working and typing into a document! This is also possible with drawing, designing, modeling and any kind of collaboration needed.

This will open a new whole level about how operating systems and programs can be developed with the 3rd Dimension implemented and how people can move around with the operating system.

This system also can replace mouse, keyboard, and the costly Multi-touch screens!
اسم المشروع:

Controlling Class Rooms and Taking Students Attendance

السنة الأكاديمية:

رائد القاضي

منى ضميدي
مي طبيله

هندسة الحاسوب



Teachers are responsible for taking students attendance at the beginning of each lecture and this will waste a lot of time, so our project main objective is to save time and money by making your system computerized.
In our project we developed a system that controls all rooms at the university and takes students attendance automatically based on time.
This small system got two parts one of them is attached to each room at the university, the other part will be connected to the main server
اسم المشروع:
Class Net Exchange -CNX-


السنة الأكاديمية:

رائد القاضي
لما ياسين
اسماء عفيفي

هندسة الحاسوب



CNX : Class Net Exchange
Enjoy your lesson wherever you are
Using CNX you can participate in the lesson , even if you are at home, all what you have to do is to download the student version of the program and enter the lesson and even you can ask the teacher to help you with your computer.
Our project is a network application that allows students every where to learn, share, and also ask the teacher to help them with their computers , this makes the work easier and more organized up to the level of current advanced technology
اسم المشروع:

Bus Accounting System Based On RFID

السنة الأكاديمية:

أنس طعمة

فايز حج محمد
حسن النحوي

هندسة الحاسوب



المشروع عباره عن جهاز يسمح للطالب دفع اجره الباص عن طريق بطاقه الجامعه .
الجهاز عباره عن جزئين : جزء موجود في الباص و الجزء الاخر موجود في الجامعه ويتم الوصل بين الجزئين عن طريق الشبكه الاسلكيه , يتم خصم اجره الباص من رصيد الطالب الذي يظهر على موقع الزاجل الخاص بكل طالب , في حال نفاذ الرصيد ينذر الجهاز سائق الباص حيث يظهر الجهاز اسم الطالب والرصيد المتبقي لديه .
المشروع يسهل على الطلبه عدم الازدحام امام الباص و التأخر عن المحاضرات و ذلك لأن الجهاز يأخذ رقم الطالب ويقوم بالفحص واظهار المعلومات على شاشه عرض بمجرد المرور بجانب الجهاز فلا داعي لأظهار البطاقه والانتظار
اسم المشروع:
Browsing Internet via Bluetooth

السنة الأكاديمية:

رائد القاضي

هند الوادي
لبنى دويكات

هندسة الحاسوب



Browsing internet through mobiles is widely used most of the time it’s done by using GPRS, on other hand GPRS services too costly. Regular DSL is available for PCs, laptops and much cheaper than GPRS.
Most PCs, laptops, mobiles have Bluetooth nowadays.
The idea behind “Browsing Internet via Bluetooth” is to use the common resource in PCs and mobiles basically “Bluetooth” to carry Internet from PC to mobile
E-Blood Bank

السنة الأكاديمية:

هيا سماعنه

مروة ابو العلا
نور دياب

هندسة الحاسوب



Almost all serious health issues use blood donated by people to save lives. Blood that is donated last a little more than 40 days. Then it must be disposed of. That means we need to constantly replenish the blood so it is there when someone needs it.
It is a gift we all have inside of us to give to those who are injured, sick, or in need.
So Donate Blood, Use this site as a platform to register yourself. Needy people can post their blood requirement here also they can search blood donor's data.
This project also help employees in the blood bank to regulate their work in recording donors and patients and their Lab Examination and their related information.
Another goal of this project to help in communication between the central blood bank and other hospitals that are in the country, such as if a branch blood bank in some hospital need some blood units and there it ask the central blood bank to supply it with the needed blood units, in rare condition if the central does not have sufficient blood it redirect the bank who request the blood units to other blood bank were the blood units available there.
That means the blood bank is keep connected to the branches which depend on it for supplying blood units. The central know the count of each blood unit in each blood bank.
Other feature of this web application is the warning system, such that if the count of blood units in the blood bank has become less than certain number (in our case 40). A warning message appears , and if one of the blood units or more has been expired this also will cause a warning and the blood unit will be deleted from the database.
اسم المشروع:

السنة الأكاديمية:

هيا سماعنه

حسن النحوي
فايز حج محمد

هندسة الحاسوب



In Our project we implemented an idea that talks about multiple pharmacies connected with multiple agents ,multiple officer and one administrator ,these agents work for multiple companies and all of them connected with each other ,our application deals with four kinds of users they are the admin of these pharmacies ,the officer of each pharmacy ,the agent and the visitor of the website ,our idea make it easy for the Admin of these multiple pharmacies to monitor and manage (users , transactions( purchases ,sales ,offers, requests) and stores) ,
So e-pharmacy make it easy for the officer to do anything and monitor anything about its pharmacies this is the main idea and we will tell you about the details at the next
اسم المشروع:

السنة الأكاديمية:

لؤي ملحيس

فادي نعيرات
محمد برهم

هندسة الحاسوب



In general our project not dedicated for one school, it’s connect a network of schools in one database and one control panel .
Nearly all schools this a day are not electronic, and that mean so difficult operations for all of teachers, administrations, students and their parent , for that we decided to make the – Eschool System – to facilitate theses difficulties , and make learning easier and more interested.
At the same time we don’t aim to make the student and teacher to leave the manual learning . E-school don’t mean the electronic learning , it’s at the first time mean making the learning electronically, so each of teachers, students and their parent can go to automatically through a website to view marks, attendances , and lectures of each teacher.
We start out work at the begging of this semester, and tried to make it applicable as can as possible, so it can be introduced in out schools here in Palestine.
We choose the PHP web language to design out website , because it’s a free source language , and most popular between programmers, but using PHP mean more time to get your work . but in spite of that it’s as mentioned previously it’s a public language and free source.
The start of our design are focused on building the database, and it’s takes a lot of time get the final version of it . in spite of that we forced to change some features in database while we are in working , to get a total number of 28 table related with each other by a good build relations.

In general our project not dedicated for one school, it’s connect a network of schools in one database and one control panel .
Nearly all schools this a day are not electronic, and that mean so difficult operations for all of teachers, administrations, students and their parent , for that we decided to make the – Eschool System – to facilitate theses difficulties , and make learning easier and more interested.
At the same time we don’t aim to make the student and teacher to leave the manual learning . E-school don’t mean the electronic learning , it’s at the first time mean making the learning electronically, so each of teachers, students and their parent can go to automatically through a website to view marks, attendances , and lectures of each teacher.
We start out work at the begging of this semester, and tried to make it applicable as can as possible, so it can be introduced in out schools here in Palestine.
We choose the PHP web language to design out website , because it’s a free source language , and most popular between programmers, but using PHP mean more time to get your work . but in spite of that it’s as mentioned previously it’s a public language and free source.
The start of our design are focused on building the database, and it’s takes a lot of time get the final version of it . in spite of that we forced to change some features in database while we are in working , to get a total number of 28 table related with each other by a good build relations
اسم المشروع:
Educational School Management

السنة الأكاديمية:

لؤي ملحيس

سلمان اشتية

هندسة الحاسوب



ESM is a website designed for managing school data and information, it helps the school’s headmaster and all teachers to store and save the students information and their grades, and so this system helps the students and parents to see the Exams and Lectures tables in the semester
GIS map
السنة الأكاديمية:
رائد القاضي
رمز زكريا
شروق جوابرة
هندسة الحاسوب
Our graduation project is a web site about our land Palestine . We mention all information about Palestinian cities, villages and all famous places in Palestine.
In programming we used php language and mysql server to store data. Also we used map build in GIS to use it to reach to all cities , and measure the distance between any two places , measure length of any path and measure the area .
Also to enable to the user to show map in satalite mode we make link to redirect him to google earth
اسم المشروع:
Online Photo Editor

السنة الأكاديمية:

هيا سماعنه

وفاء النقيب
دعاء غزال

هندسة الحاسوب


Photo editor is a offline online service, user can work online or install the application and work offline. And once the user open the offline application it will check for updates automatically . The user can save his files locally .
This application runs on the speed of the client machine not the web’s
Multi Player Game in Mobile via Bluetooth Technology

السنة الأكاديمية:

رائد القاضي


احمد خضر
احمد سخلة

هندسة الحاسوب



The idea of this project composed in our minds while we playing Tarneeb Game in the coffee shop .we start thinking to make something different related to this game .we keep thinking in the subject until we decide to build an electronic version of the game