Numerical Semigroups


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة

J.C. Rosales, P.A. Garcia-Sanchez
Springer| 2009 | ISBN-10: 1441901590 | PDF | 181 pp | 3.20 MB

This monograph is the first devoted exclusively to the development of the theory of numerical semigroups. In this concise, self-contained text, graduate students and researchers will benefit from this broad exposition of the topic.
Key features of "Numerical Semigroups" include:
- Content ranging from the basics to open research problems and the latest advances in the field;
- Exercises at the end of each chapter that expand upon and support the material;
- Emphasis on the computational aspects of the theory; algorithms are presented to pre effective calculations;
- Many examples that illustrate the concepts and algorithms;
- Presentation of various connections between numerical semigroups and number theory, coding theory, algebraic geometry, linear programming, and commutative algebra would be of significant interest to researchers.



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