Synthesis of Transportation Fuels from Biomass : Chemistry , Catalysts and Engineering


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Synthesis of Transportation Fuels from Biomass : Chemistry , Catalysts and Engineering
G.W. Huber , S. Iberra , A. Corma

Chem. Rev., 2006, 106 (9), pp 4044–4098
DOI: 10.1021/cr068360d
Publication Date (Web): June 27, 2006

Table of Contents
1.0. Introduction
2.0. Biomass Chemistry and Growth Rates

2.1. Lignocellulose and Starch-Based Plants
2.2. Triglyceride-Producing Plants
2.3. Algae
2.4. Terpenes and Rubber-Producing Plants
3.0. Biomass Gasification

3.1. Gasification Chemistry
3.2. Gasification Reactors
3.3. Supercritical Gasification
3.4. Solar Gasification
3.5. Gas Conditioning
4.0. Syn-Gas Utilization

4.1. Hydrogen Production by Water−Gas Shift Reaction
4.2. Methanol Production by Methanol Synthesis
4.3. Alkane Production by Fischer−Tropsch Synthesis
4.4. Other Syn-Gas Reactions
4.5. Analysis of Syn-Gas Processes
5.0. Bio-Oil Production

5.1. Bio-Oils by Fast Pyrolysis
5.2. Bio-Oils by Liquefaction
5.3. Bio-Oil Chemistry
5.4. Bio-Oil Problems
5.5. Economics and Thermal Efficiencies of Bio-Oil Production Methods
6.0. Bio-Oil Upgrading

6.1. Hydrodeoxygenation
6.2. Zeolite Upgrading of Bio-Oils
6.3. Bio-Oil Mixtures
6.4. Steam Reforming of Bio-Oils
6.5. Steam Reforming of Chars
6.6. Economic and Thermal Analysis of Processes for Bio-Oil Upgrading
7.0. Biomass Monomer Production

7.1. Pretreatment
7.2. Hydrolysis
7.3. Levulinic Acid
7.4. Hydrogenation/Hydrolysis
8.0. Sugar Conversion into Fuels

8.1. Ethanol Production
8.2. Zeolite Upgrading of Sugars
8.3. Aqueous-Phase Processing
8.4. Supercritical Reforming of Sugars
8.5. Biological Hydrogen and Methane Production
9.0. Conversion of Nonsugar Monomers Derived from Lignocellulose

9.1. Lignin Conversion
9.2. Levulinic Acid Conversion
9.3. Furfural Conversion
10.0. Triglyceride Conversion

10.1. Transesterification
10.2 Pyrolysis and Zeolite Upgrading
10.3. Hydrotreating
10.4. Microemulsions and Cosolvent Vegetable Oil Blends
10.5. Glycerol Utilization
11.0. Ethical Considerations and Conclusions
11.1. Ethical Considerations

11.2. Overall Conclusions
12. References
