Statistics II for Dummies 2009


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Deborah J. Rumsey
Wiley Publishing, Inc| 2009 | ISBN-10: 0470466464| pdf |392 pp | 6 MB

This book is designed for those who have completed the basic concepts of statistics through confidence intervals and hypothesis testing (found in Statistics For Dummies) and are ready to plow ahead to get through the final part of Stats I, or to tackle Stats II. However, I do pepper in some brief overviews of Stats I as needed, just to remind you of what was covered and make sure you’re up to speed. For each new technique, you get an overview of when and why it’s used, how to know when you need it, step-by-step directions on how to do it, and tips and tricks from a seasoned data analyst (yours truly). Because it’s very important to be able to know which method to use when, I emphasize what makes each technique distinct and what the results say. You also see many applications of the techniques used in real life.


