using STAAD Pro 2003 2nd Edition with British Code

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using STAAD Pro 2003 2nd Edition with British Code
Description: This courseware provides an overall look over STAAD Pro 2003 2nd Edition. It demonstrates the steps to be followed to produce the structural analysis & design of two types of buildings; concrete and steel. Also the courseware concentrate over the different results generated from the program, and how to read them, view them, and finally generate the necessary reports from them. Reader can use this book for STAAD Pro 2004 without any change.
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using STAAD Pro 2003 2nd Edition with British Code
Description: This courseware provides an overall look over STAAD Pro 2003 2nd Edition. It demonstrates the steps to be followed to produce the structural analysis & design of two types of buildings; concrete and steel. Also the courseware concentrate over the different results generated from the program, and how to read them, view them, and finally generate the necessary reports from them. Reader can use this book for STAAD Pro 2004 without any change.
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using STAAD Pro 2003 2nd Edition with British Code
Description: This courseware provides an overall look over STAAD Pro 2003 2nd Edition. It demonstrates the steps to be followed to produce the structural analysis & design of two types of buildings; concrete and steel. Also the courseware concentrate over the different results generated from the program, and how to read them, view them, and finally generate the necessary reports from them. Reader can use this book for STAAD Pro 2004 without any change.
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