Chaos and Quantum Physics


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة

M.-J. Giannoni, A. Voros, J. Zinn-Justin

North Holland| 1991 | ISBN-10: 044489277X | Djvu| 796 pp | 12.90 MB

In the last decade the understanding of the relations between classical and quantum mechanics has advanced tremendously and the following broad themes are dealt with in this book:-

• random matrices: a resurgence of an old theory brought in from nuclear physics, now the standard for analysing "signatures" of classical chaos in quantum systems;
• the complex quantum behaviour of driven Hamiltonian systems and localization phenomena;
• chaos in scattering systems and the properties of S-matrices;
• spectra of quantum systems whose classical analogues are the geodesic flows on negatively curved compact manifolds;
• the wealth of properties of wave functions for classically chaotic systems;
• the rise and growth of the concept of chaos in all sectors of "physics of microscopic media": nuclear, atomic, molecular, solid-state physics.


