Advanced Polymer Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Surface Modifications


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة
Vikas Mittal

CRC | PDF |384 pages|2010| ISBN-10: 1439814430 |13.20 MB

Polymer latex particles continue to become increasingly important in numerous commercial applications. Advanced synthesis techniques are the key to developing new functionality for nanoparticles. These methods make it possible to tailor the size, chemical composition, or properties of these particles, as well as the molecular weight of the polymer chain as a whole, based on given requirements.

Advanced Polymer Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Surface Modifications summarizes important developments in the advanced synthesis and surface modification techniques used to generate and mold polymer particles. This book explores the evolution and enhancement of processes such as emulsion, mini-emulsion, micro-emulsion, dispersion, suspension, inverse emulsion (in organic phase), and polymerization. Understanding these developments will enable the reader to optimize particle system design, giving rise to a greater application spectrum.

This book:

Focuses on synthesis and characterization of particles with core-shell morphologies

Details generation of nonspherical polymer particles using different synthetic routes

Explores generation of specific architectures, such as block, star, graft, and gradient copolymer particles

The authors describe pH-responsive nanoparticles and smart, thermally responsive particles. They also cover surface tailoring of various organic and inorganic nanoparticles by polymers, as well as theoretical studies on the kinetics of controlled radical polymerization techniques. Condensing and evaluating current knowledge of the development of polymer nanoparticles, this refrence will prove a valuable addition to the area of polymer latex technology.



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