Nano and Microstructural Design of Advanced Materials By M. A. Meyers, M Sarikaya, R. O. Ritchie

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Nano and Microstructural Design of Advanced Materials

2003 | 316 Pages | | PDF | 19 MB

The importance of the nanoscale effects has been recognized in materials research for over fifty years, but it is only recently that advanced characterization and fabrication methods are enabling scientists to build structures atom-by-atom or molecule-by molecule. The understanding and control of the nanostructure has been, to a large extent, made possible by new atomistic analysis and characterization methods pioneered by transmission electron microscopy. Nano and Microstructural Design of Advanced Materials focuses on the effective use of such advanced analysis and characterization techniques in the design of materials.

* Teaches effective use of advanced analysis and characterization methods at an atomistic level.

* Contains many supporting examples of materials in which such design concepts have been successfully applied.


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