كيمياء فيزيائية Reactions of Metallic Salts and Complexes, and Organometallic Compounds (Comprehensive Chemical Kine


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Reactions of Metallic Salts and Complexes, and Organometallic Compounds (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics)

Publisher: Elsevier Science | ISBN: 0444409130 | edition 1972 | PDF | 633 pages | 24,5 mb

The rates of chemical processes and their variation with conditions have been studied for many years, usually for the purpose of determining reaction mechanisms. Thus, the subject of chemical kinetics is a very extensive and important part of chemistry as a whole, and has acquired an enormous literature. Despite the number of books and reviews, in many cases it is by no means easy to find the required information on specific reactions or types of reaction or on more general topics in the field. It is the purpose of this series to provide a background reference work, which will enable such information to be obtained either directly, or from the original papers or reviews quoted.
