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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته:
هذه مجموعة كتب في تخصص طب المخ و الأعصاب حصلت عليها من موقعكم الكريم، جعلها الله بالنفع للجميع
Child and adolescent neurology

Ronald B. David
Wiley-Blackwell, 2005 - 657 pages, PDF
Blackwell’s Neurology and Psychiatry Access Series has been designed to teach the art of diagnosis and treatment of neurologic and mental disease using a rational approach. In this way the trainee specialist can apply both deductive and inductive reasoning to arrive at a diagnosis and formulate a plan for treatment.The Access Series consists of four books:
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Adult Psychiatry
Child & Adolescent Neurology
Adult Neurology
It is the goal of this text in the Blackwell Neurology/Psychiatry Access Series to convey not only essential knowledge but also the collected wisdom of its many highly regarded contributors. To achieve the goal of conveying not only knowledge but wisdom, each volume is divided into three sections:
· Tools for Diagnosis
· Diseases and Disorders
· Common Problems
Evidence-based neurology:
management of neurological disorders

Livia Candelise, Richard Hughes, Alessandro Liberati, Bernard M. J. Uitdehaag
Wiley-Blackwell, 2007 - 275 pages PDF
In Evidence-based Neurology: Management of Neurological Disorders a carefully selected group of clinically experienced collaborators use the best available evidence to answer more than 100 clinical questions about the treatment and management of neurological disorders.
Divided into three sections and 24 chapters, this book
Handbook of clinical
: mouvment disorders
By mark Hallett, 2003, 718pages, pdf
Handbook of clinical neurology:
n°96: bacterial infection of the
central nervous system
edition 2010, 274 pages PDF.

Epilepsy: 199 Answers:
A Doctor Responds to His Patients' Questions

Andrew N. Wilner
Demos Medical Publishing, 2007 - 250 pages
Written by noted specialist Andrew Wilner, "Epilepsy: 199 Answers" provides accurate, current, and comprehensible medical information for epilepsy patients, family members, and anyone involved in patient care. Easy to read, informative, and time-tested, this question-and-answer book helps readers ask better questions to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of this disease. This completely updated edition includes information on everything from brain surgery to diet. New sections cover alternative therapies, recent findings on birth defects possibly caused by new antiepileptic drugs, the ketogenic and Atkins diets for patients, new FDA indication for the vagus nerve stimulator, and updated recommendations for women and epilepsy. The book also includes a comprehensive resource section, and there's a health record tracker so patients can accurately monitor their progress and receive optimal care.
Sleep Disorders in Neurology

Sebastiaan Overeem, Paul Reading
John Wiley and Sons, 2010 - 344 pages
Sleep Disorders in Neurology
Edited by
Sebastiaan Overeem, MD, PhD, Centre for Sleep Medicine "Kempenhaeghe," Heeze, the Netherlands and Department of Neurology, Donders Institute for Neuroscience, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Paul Reading, MA, FRCP, PhD, Department of Neurology, The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK
The quick and practical guide to the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders in neurological illness.
Oxford American Handbook of Neurology
Sid Gilman
Oxford University Press, 2010 - 576 pages
The Oxford American Handbook of Neurology is a practical, quick-reference guide for use on the ward and in the clinic. It includes information on neurological assessment
and common presentations and disorders, including sleep disorders, neurotrama, and neurosurgery. Numerous neuro-imaging studies and diagrams supplement concise, to-
the-point text. The book concludes with an appendix of frequently used scales and indices. It should find a place in the hands of all those caring for neurological patients
Introduction to neuropsychology

J. Graham Beaumont
Guilford Press, 2008 - 382 pages
Now in a substantially revised second edition, this outstanding text gives students a solid grounding in clinical and experimental neuropsychology. The author is a leading
authority whose engaging writing style and thorough yet concise coverage of brain localization, anatomy, and their links to cognitive function make the book ideal for
undergraduate or graduate use. Reflecting over two decades of major advances in the field--including developments in basic science, assessment, rehabilitation, and clinical
research--the text features a significant new section on neuroimaging and a new chapter on degenerative diseases and profound brain injury. It is illustrated with more than 60
figures, including six color plates.
Clinical disorders of balance, posture and gait
Adolfo M. Bronstein, Thomas Brandt, Marjorie H. Woollacott
Arnold, 2004 - 466 pages
The second edition of this definitive text, covering all clinical aspects of human locomotion and its disorders. Multidisciplinary in authorship and approach, it covers all the
important clinical areas. Updated and revised throughout, the book has been expanded to allow for increased knowledge on the subject. Important changes for the second
edition include: new chapters on techniques for gait analysis, peripheral neuropathies and dizziness
Neuro notes : Clinical Pocket Guide
Claudia B. Fenderson, PT, EdD, PCS
Wen K. Ling, PT, PhD.
Edition 2009, 334 pages, PDF
This book is written for physical therapists, physical therapy students, and related health professionals. It is a clinical guide for the assessment of patients with neuromuscular disorders.
Multiple sclerosis: immunology, pathology and physiopathology.
Robert M, Herndon, MD
Edition 2003, 255pages, PDF

Form and function in the brain and spinal cord: perspectives of a neurologist.
By Stephen G. Waxman
The MIT Press | 2000-12-18 | ISBN: 0262232103 | PDF | 529 pages | 32 MB
This book reflects Stephen Waxman's three decades of research on the form and functions of the brain and spinal cord. Building on his experience as a neuroscientist studying model systems as primitive as eels and as a neurologist studying humans, Waxman discusses a wide variety of topics, including the design principles that optimize neural function; molecular and cellular substrates of behavior; the role of glial cells in the brain; the molecular basis for pain; plasticity in the brain and spinal cord; strategies for promoting functional recovery in disorders such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and stroke; and prospects for rebuilding the brain and spinal cord. The pieces provide example after example of the elegance of design of the nervous system, of the intricate interplay between structure and function in health and disease, and of the rich borderland between neuroscience and neurology.
Neurology study guide: Oral board examination review.
Teresella Gondolo, MD
هذه مجموعة كتب في تخصص طب المخ و الأعصاب حصلت عليها من موقعكم الكريم، جعلها الله بالنفع للجميع
Child and adolescent neurology
Ronald B. David
Wiley-Blackwell, 2005 - 657 pages, PDF
Blackwell’s Neurology and Psychiatry Access Series has been designed to teach the art of diagnosis and treatment of neurologic and mental disease using a rational approach. In this way the trainee specialist can apply both deductive and inductive reasoning to arrive at a diagnosis and formulate a plan for treatment.The Access Series consists of four books:
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Adult Psychiatry
Child & Adolescent Neurology
Adult Neurology
It is the goal of this text in the Blackwell Neurology/Psychiatry Access Series to convey not only essential knowledge but also the collected wisdom of its many highly regarded contributors. To achieve the goal of conveying not only knowledge but wisdom, each volume is divided into three sections:
· Tools for Diagnosis
· Diseases and Disorders
· Common Problems
Evidence-based neurology:
management of neurological disorders
Livia Candelise, Richard Hughes, Alessandro Liberati, Bernard M. J. Uitdehaag
Wiley-Blackwell, 2007 - 275 pages PDF
In Evidence-based Neurology: Management of Neurological Disorders a carefully selected group of clinically experienced collaborators use the best available evidence to answer more than 100 clinical questions about the treatment and management of neurological disorders.
Divided into three sections and 24 chapters, this book
- fills the gap between guidelines and primary studies as well as between primary and secondary scientific medical literature
- summarizes the most recent and important findings on treatments for neurological patients
- measures the benefit and, when applicable, the risk of harm inherent in specific neurological interventions.
Handbook of clinical
: mouvment disorders
By mark Hallett, 2003, 718pages, pdf
Handbook of clinical neurology:
n°96: bacterial infection of the
central nervous system
Series Editors

Merritt's Neurology
10th Edition (June 2000): by H. Houston Textbook of Neurology Merritt (Editor), Lewis P. Rowland (Editor), Randy Rowland By Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins Publishers
Epilepsy: 199 Answers:
A Doctor Responds to His Patients' Questions
Andrew N. Wilner
Demos Medical Publishing, 2007 - 250 pages
Written by noted specialist Andrew Wilner, "Epilepsy: 199 Answers" provides accurate, current, and comprehensible medical information for epilepsy patients, family members, and anyone involved in patient care. Easy to read, informative, and time-tested, this question-and-answer book helps readers ask better questions to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of this disease. This completely updated edition includes information on everything from brain surgery to diet. New sections cover alternative therapies, recent findings on birth defects possibly caused by new antiepileptic drugs, the ketogenic and Atkins diets for patients, new FDA indication for the vagus nerve stimulator, and updated recommendations for women and epilepsy. The book also includes a comprehensive resource section, and there's a health record tracker so patients can accurately monitor their progress and receive optimal care.
Sleep Disorders in Neurology
Sebastiaan Overeem, Paul Reading
John Wiley and Sons, 2010 - 344 pages
Sleep Disorders in Neurology
Edited by
Sebastiaan Overeem, MD, PhD, Centre for Sleep Medicine "Kempenhaeghe," Heeze, the Netherlands and Department of Neurology, Donders Institute for Neuroscience, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Paul Reading, MA, FRCP, PhD, Department of Neurology, The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK
The quick and practical guide to the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders in neurological illness.
Oxford American Handbook of Neurology
Sid Gilman
Oxford University Press, 2010 - 576 pages
The Oxford American Handbook of Neurology is a practical, quick-reference guide for use on the ward and in the clinic. It includes information on neurological assessment
and common presentations and disorders, including sleep disorders, neurotrama, and neurosurgery. Numerous neuro-imaging studies and diagrams supplement concise, to-
the-point text. The book concludes with an appendix of frequently used scales and indices. It should find a place in the hands of all those caring for neurological patients
J. Graham Beaumont
Guilford Press, 2008 - 382 pages
Now in a substantially revised second edition, this outstanding text gives students a solid grounding in clinical and experimental neuropsychology. The author is a leading
authority whose engaging writing style and thorough yet concise coverage of brain localization, anatomy, and their links to cognitive function make the book ideal for
undergraduate or graduate use. Reflecting over two decades of major advances in the field--including developments in basic science, assessment, rehabilitation, and clinical
research--the text features a significant new section on neuroimaging and a new chapter on degenerative diseases and profound brain injury. It is illustrated with more than 60
figures, including six color plates.
Clinical disorders of balance, posture and gait
Adolfo M. Bronstein, Thomas Brandt, Marjorie H. Woollacott
Arnold, 2004 - 466 pages
The second edition of this definitive text, covering all clinical aspects of human locomotion and its disorders. Multidisciplinary in authorship and approach, it covers all the
important clinical areas. Updated and revised throughout, the book has been expanded to allow for increased knowledge on the subject. Important changes for the second
edition include: new chapters on techniques for gait analysis, peripheral neuropathies and dizziness
Neuro notes : Clinical Pocket Guide
Claudia B. Fenderson, PT, EdD, PCS
Wen K. Ling, PT, PhD.
Edition 2009, 334 pages, PDF
This book is written for physical therapists, physical therapy students, and related health professionals. It is a clinical guide for the assessment of patients with neuromuscular disorders.
Multiple sclerosis: immunology, pathology and physiopathology.
Robert M, Herndon, MD
Edition 2003, 255pages, PDF
Form and function in the brain and spinal cord: perspectives of a neurologist.
By Stephen G. Waxman
The MIT Press | 2000-12-18 | ISBN: 0262232103 | PDF | 529 pages | 32 MB
This book reflects Stephen Waxman's three decades of research on the form and functions of the brain and spinal cord. Building on his experience as a neuroscientist studying model systems as primitive as eels and as a neurologist studying humans, Waxman discusses a wide variety of topics, including the design principles that optimize neural function; molecular and cellular substrates of behavior; the role of glial cells in the brain; the molecular basis for pain; plasticity in the brain and spinal cord; strategies for promoting functional recovery in disorders such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and stroke; and prospects for rebuilding the brain and spinal cord. The pieces provide example after example of the elegance of design of the nervous system, of the intricate interplay between structure and function in health and disease, and of the rich borderland between neuroscience and neurology.
Neurology study guide: Oral board examination review.
Teresella Gondolo, MD
Edition 2005, 255pages , PDF
The idea of a book to help neurologists prepare for the oral part of the Neurology Board
Examination stemmed from numerous exchanges with colleagues on how they prepared
for this important exam. Nobody seemed to have the magic formula to maximize their
chances of passing and there were wide disparities of opinion on what they considered the
best preparation. Some recommendations were based on often inaccurate impressions,
others were the distorted product of their stressful experience while taking the test. On one
thing everyone seemed to agree: There is not a single book available that systematically
addresses the specifics of this crucially important test
Examination stemmed from numerous exchanges with colleagues on how they prepared
for this important exam. Nobody seemed to have the magic formula to maximize their
chances of passing and there were wide disparities of opinion on what they considered the
best preparation. Some recommendations were based on often inaccurate impressions,
others were the distorted product of their stressful experience while taking the test. On one
thing everyone seemed to agree: There is not a single book available that systematically
addresses the specifics of this crucially important test