A Stochastic Approach to Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
R. F. StreaterImperial College Press|1995|288 pages|djvu| English|1860940048| 6M
How to construct dynamical systems obeying the first and second laws of thermodynamics: mean energy is conserved, and entropy increases with time? The book answers this question for classical probability (Part I) and quantum probability (Part II). A novel feature is the introduction of heat particles which supply thermal noise and represent the kinetic energy of molecules. When applied to chemical reactions, the theory leads to a nonlinear reaction - diffusion equations exhibiting oscillations or convergence to equilibrium.

R. F. StreaterImperial College Press|1995|288 pages|djvu| English|1860940048| 6M
How to construct dynamical systems obeying the first and second laws of thermodynamics: mean energy is conserved, and entropy increases with time? The book answers this question for classical probability (Part I) and quantum probability (Part II). A novel feature is the introduction of heat particles which supply thermal noise and represent the kinetic energy of molecules. When applied to chemical reactions, the theory leads to a nonlinear reaction - diffusion equations exhibiting oscillations or convergence to equilibrium.