أبو القاسم
مستشار كلية الطب
هذا الكتاب مفيد لكل من طلاب الطب والصيدلة وخاصة للتحضير لامتحانات USMALE
الوصف :
pages: 1088 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical
ISBN: 0071410929
Size: 9.5 MB Approx
The most current, authoritative, and comprehensive pharmacology book for medical, pharmacy, and other health science students. Widely respected for its clarity, comprehensiveness, and organization, this pharmacology course book presents the essential concepts that students need to know about the science of pharmacology and their application. Focuses on the basic principles of each drug group as well as the clinical choice and use of drugs in patients and the monitoring of their effects.
الرابط :
Password: eker123
الوصف :

pages: 1088 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical
ISBN: 0071410929
Size: 9.5 MB Approx
The most current, authoritative, and comprehensive pharmacology book for medical, pharmacy, and other health science students. Widely respected for its clarity, comprehensiveness, and organization, this pharmacology course book presents the essential concepts that students need to know about the science of pharmacology and their application. Focuses on the basic principles of each drug group as well as the clinical choice and use of drugs in patients and the monitoring of their effects.
الرابط :
Password: eker123