كيمياء تحليلية Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry: Training and Teaching - Second edition


مستشار كلية العلوم النهرالخالد
طاقم الإدارة
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry
Training and Teaching
Second edition
Bernd W. Wenclawiak, Michael Koch, Evsevios Hadjicostas


Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 331
Publication Date: 2010-07-27
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3642136087
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783642136085

Product Description
This new edition of a successful textbook has been completely revised and enlarged. In particular the chapters on measurement uncertainty, calibration and validation are practically all new. The authors provide an in-depth but easy to understand coverage of quality assurance for chemical measurements. This includes both internal as well as external quality assurance, necessary statistics as well as total quality management. All this is presented with more than 800 commented slides, which are also provided as downloadable Extra Material. The book will serve as an advanced textbook for analytical chemistry students and professionals in industry and service labs and as a reference text and source of course materials for lecturers.
Content Level » Professional/practitioner
Keywords » GLP - ISO Guide 99 - ISO/IEC 17025 - VIM - accreditation - certification - control chart - measurement uncertainty - proficiency testing - quality assurance in analytical chemistry - reliability - traceability - validation
Related subjects » Analytical Chemistry - Biomedical Sciences - Food Science & Nutrition - Monitoring - Environmental Analysis - Pharmaceutical Science
Glossary of Analytical Chemistry Terms (GAT).- Accreditation – ISO/IEC 17025.- ISO 9000 Quality Management System.- Accreditation or Certification for Laboratories?- Good Laboratory Practice.- Total Quality Management and Cost of Quality.- Quality Manual.- Basic Statistics.- Calibration.- Metrology in Chemistry and Traceability of Analytical Measurement Results.- Validation of Analytical Methods – to be Fit for the Purpose.- Measurement Uncertainty.- Control Charts.- (Certified) Reference Materials.- Interlaboratory Tests.

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شكرا كثيرا ايها النهر الخالد
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