Author(s): Warren Nagourney
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Date : 2010-06-11
Pages : 400
Format : PDF
ISBN-10: 0199532621
ISBN-13: 9780199532629
Quantum Electronics for Atomic Physics provides a course in quantum electronics for researchers in atomic physics. The book covers the usual topics, such as Gaussian beams, cavities, lasers, nonlinear optics and modulation techniques, but also includes a number of areas not usually found in a textbook on quantum electronics. It includes such practical matters as the enhancement of nonlinear processes in a build-up cavity, impedance matching into a cavity, laser frequency stabilization (including servomechanism theory), astigmatism in ring cavities, and atomic/molecular spectroscopic techniques for the generation of a discriminant for laser frequency locking. A number of very recent developments are discussed, such as fiber lasers and frequency metrology using femtosecond lasers. Problem sets are included at the end of each chapter.