هذا أول كتاب أقوم بتحميله من دار نشر World Scientific Publishing Company ورغم أن الكتاب حجمه كبير نسبياً بالنسبة لي لأن النت عندي |-)
This book is motivated by the need for an introductory level material focusing on the optical properties of nanomaterials and related spectroscopic techniques for upper level undergraduate and beginning graduate students who are interested in learning about the subject matter. While there are a number of excellent books on the market covering different aspects of nanomaterials, to date, there has not been a single monograph that specifically covers optical properties, optical spectroscopy and applications of nanomaterials.

Optical Properties And Spectroscopy Of Nanomaterials
Jin Zhong Zhang
Jin Zhong Zhang

- Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
- Number Of Pages: 400
- Publication Date: 2009-07-21
- ISBN-10 / ASIN: 9812836659 - 9812836640 - 9812836667
- ISBN-13 / EAN: 9789812836656 - 9789812836649 - 9789812836663

Book Description
Optical properties are among the most fascinating and useful properties of nanomaterials and have been extensively studied using a variety of optical spectroscopic techniques. A basic understanding of the optical properties and related spectroscopic techniques is essential for anyone who is interested in learning about nanomaterials of semiconductors, insulators or metal. This is partly because optical properties are intimately related to other properties and functionalities (e.g. electronic, magnetic, and thermal) that are of fundamental importance to many technological applications, such as energy conversion, chemical analysis, biomedicine, optoelectronics, communication, and radiation detection. Intentionally designed for upper-level undergraduate students and beginning graduate students with some basic knowledge of quantum mechanics, this book provides the first systematic coverage of optical properties and spectroscopic techniques of nanomaterials.

- Spectroscopic Techniques for Studying Optical Properties of Nanomaterials
- Other Experimental Techniques: Electron Microscopy and X-Ray
- Synthesis and Fabrication of Nanomaterials
- Optical Properties of Semiconductor Nanomaterials
- Optical Properties of Metal Oxide Nanomaterials
- Optical Properties of Metal Nanomaterials
- Optical Properties of Composite Nanostructures
- Charge Carrier Dynamics in Nanomaterials
- Applications of Optical Properties of Nanomaterials

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