سؤال مين يقدر يحلو لي ؟؟؟؟ والله سهله بس انا ماعرف للفيزيا

الســــــلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اسئله بالفيزيا وانا مو عارفه حلها
اكون شاكره للي يحلها لي

im provement
the si unit for work is the .....................a
energy is the ..............................a
energy examples....................................a
mechanical energy is the energy that arises from an objects.........................or.................a
kinetic energy depends on the objects .....................and....................a
1- kinetic enrgy must always be either ................or..........it cannot be...............
examble of mechanicl energy...............,..........................,.................a
avrege speed=............................................................a

كتبت نهايه كل سطر A عشان ابغى النقط تجي مزبوطه يعني مالها معنى ومو موجوده بالسؤال
انتظر اجوبتكم بفارغ الصبر الله يرزقك الجنه يارب
السلام عليكم

هذه الحلول بس بدي اسال سؤال ... هذه اسئلة دكتور اعطاكم اياها واجب ؟؟ بصراحة مش هيك بتتدرس الفيزياء

بس هذه هي الحلول

work = Force x displacement x cos (theta ) , where theta i s the angle between force and dispacment
the si unit for work is the (joule) or (newtons x meter)
energy is : the capacity of a physical system to perform work
energy examples : Potential energy and Kinetic Energy
power : The rate at which work is done, expressed as the amount of work per unit time and commonly measured in units such as the watt and horsepower (work / time ) or (force x velocity)
mechanical energy is the energy that arises from an potential or Kinetic
kinetic energy depends on the objects (mass ) and (velocity)
1- kinetic enrgy must always be either zero or positive cannot be negative
examble of mechanicl energy (spring , freely falling, moving body)
avrege speed=the total distance traveled divided by the total time interval required to travel that distance (total distance / total time)​

و بالتوفيق ان شالله

انس يوسف الرياحي