Pocket Atlas of Endodontics

by Rudolf, Beer, Michael A.Baumann, Andrej M., M.D. Kielbassa (Authors), Thomas M. Hassell (Translator)
Paperback: 230 pages
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers; 1 edition (2005)
ISBN-10: 1588903478
ISBN-13: 978-1588903471
Paperback: 230 pages
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers; 1 edition (2005)
ISBN-10: 1588903478
ISBN-13: 978-1588903471
Book info:
This book is an authorized and revised translation of the German edition published and copyrighted 2004 by Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. Title of the German edition: Taschenatlas der Endodontie.
The book provides almost astonishingly complete coverage of a rapidly-advancing medical/dental discipline, with a minimum of verbiage to confuse the practitioner or obfuscate the issue at hand. The illustrations are of high quality and reduced to the basics required for understanding a concept. This book addresses new and patient-centered exigencies directly and adroitly, presenting traditional endodontic concepts as well as surgical intervention in a new and *******ing light. This book addresses the consequences of endodontic treatment as well as the technical aspects of patient care in the daily practice of dentistry
This book is an authorized and revised translation of the German edition published and copyrighted 2004 by Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. Title of the German edition: Taschenatlas der Endodontie.
The book provides almost astonishingly complete coverage of a rapidly-advancing medical/dental discipline, with a minimum of verbiage to confuse the practitioner or obfuscate the issue at hand. The illustrations are of high quality and reduced to the basics required for understanding a concept. This book addresses new and patient-centered exigencies directly and adroitly, presenting traditional endodontic concepts as well as surgical intervention in a new and *******ing light. This book addresses the consequences of endodontic treatment as well as the technical aspects of patient care in the daily practice of dentistry