Objective Physics: For Medical and Engineering Entrance Examination
Author(s): S.O. Pillai
Publisher: New Age Publications
Date : 2008
Pages : 400
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 8122423817
This hands-on guide in Physics has been brought out to help the students aspiring admission to professional colleges in their respective states through an entrance examination conducted by the respective state governments. This volume is floated after going though the syllabi and topics prescribed by the appointed agencies of the respective regions. The last one or two chapters may be of some use to the GATE aspirants.
- Object type questions with keys in many vital areas of Physics are available.
- At the end of each chapter, problems selected from old questions papers are treated with solutions.
- Important table of physical constants are also provided.
- About 800 objective questions with keys are provided.
- Around 300 problems have been treated with solutions.

Author(s): S.O. Pillai
Publisher: New Age Publications
Date : 2008
Pages : 400
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 8122423817
This hands-on guide in Physics has been brought out to help the students aspiring admission to professional colleges in their respective states through an entrance examination conducted by the respective state governments. This volume is floated after going though the syllabi and topics prescribed by the appointed agencies of the respective regions. The last one or two chapters may be of some use to the GATE aspirants.
- Object type questions with keys in many vital areas of Physics are available.
- At the end of each chapter, problems selected from old questions papers are treated with solutions.
- Important table of physical constants are also provided.
- About 800 objective questions with keys are provided.
- Around 300 problems have been treated with solutions.
