Statistical Physics
Author(s): Springer
Publisher: Springer
Date : 1402059744
Pages : 204
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 1402059744
In this revised and enlarged second edition of an established text Tony Guenault provides a clear and refreshingly readable introduction to statistical physics, an essential component of any first degree in physics. The treatment itself is self-contained and concentrates on an understanding of the physical ideas, without requiring a high level of mathematical sophistication.

Author(s): Springer
Publisher: Springer
Date : 1402059744
Pages : 204
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 1402059744
In this revised and enlarged second edition of an established text Tony Guenault provides a clear and refreshingly readable introduction to statistical physics, an essential component of any first degree in physics. The treatment itself is self-contained and concentrates on an understanding of the physical ideas, without requiring a high level of mathematical sophistication.
