بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water: Solutions for Improving Water Quality
(Micro and Nano Technologies)
Mamadou Diallo, Jeremiah Duncan, Nora Savage, Anita Street, Richard Sustich

William Andrew
•Number Of Pages: 700
•Publication Date: 2009-01-13
•ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0815515782
•ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780815515784
Product Description
The World Health Organization in 2004 estimated approximately 1.1 billion people did not have access to clean water and that 35% of Third World residents died from water-borne illnesses. While the situation is grim, recent advances strongly indicate that many of the current water quality problems can be addresses - and potentially resolved - using nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology is already having a dramatic impact on research in water quality and Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water highlights both the challenges and the opportunities for nanotechnology to positively influence this area of environmental protection.
Here you will find detailed information on breakthroughs, cutting edge technologies, current research, and future trends that may affect acceptance of widespread applications. The first four parts of the book cover specific topics including using nanotechnology for clean drinking water in both large scale water treatment plants and in point-of-use systems. For instance, recent advances show that many of the current problems involving water quality can be addressed using nanosorbents, nanocatalysts, bioactive nanoparticles, nanostructured catalytic membranes, and nanoparticle enhanced filtration. The book also discusses existing technologies and future potential for groundwater remediation, pollution prevention, and sensors. The final part discusses the inherent societal implications that may affect acceptance of widespread applications.
Over 80 leading experts from around the world share their wealth of knowledge in this truly unique reference. Institutions such as Center for the Purification of Water and Systems (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); UCLA Water Technology Center; Carnegie Mellon University, University of Kentucky; The University of Western Ontario; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan), Munasinghe Institute for Development (Sri Lanka) and the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars are just a few of the knowledge centers represented in this book.
Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water: Solutions for Improving Water Quality
(Micro and Nano Technologies)
Mamadou Diallo, Jeremiah Duncan, Nora Savage, Anita Street, Richard Sustich

William Andrew
•Number Of Pages: 700
•Publication Date: 2009-01-13
•ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0815515782
•ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780815515784
Product Description
The World Health Organization in 2004 estimated approximately 1.1 billion people did not have access to clean water and that 35% of Third World residents died from water-borne illnesses. While the situation is grim, recent advances strongly indicate that many of the current water quality problems can be addresses - and potentially resolved - using nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology is already having a dramatic impact on research in water quality and Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water highlights both the challenges and the opportunities for nanotechnology to positively influence this area of environmental protection.
Here you will find detailed information on breakthroughs, cutting edge technologies, current research, and future trends that may affect acceptance of widespread applications. The first four parts of the book cover specific topics including using nanotechnology for clean drinking water in both large scale water treatment plants and in point-of-use systems. For instance, recent advances show that many of the current problems involving water quality can be addressed using nanosorbents, nanocatalysts, bioactive nanoparticles, nanostructured catalytic membranes, and nanoparticle enhanced filtration. The book also discusses existing technologies and future potential for groundwater remediation, pollution prevention, and sensors. The final part discusses the inherent societal implications that may affect acceptance of widespread applications.
Over 80 leading experts from around the world share their wealth of knowledge in this truly unique reference. Institutions such as Center for the Purification of Water and Systems (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); UCLA Water Technology Center; Carnegie Mellon University, University of Kentucky; The University of Western Ontario; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan), Munasinghe Institute for Development (Sri Lanka) and the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars are just a few of the knowledge centers represented in this book.
Water quality is a serious, global issue in which government bodies and scientific communities face many challenges in ensuring clean water is available to everyone. Nanotechnology is already showing dramatic results, and this book is an attempt to share current technologies and future possibilities in reaching this goal
Contributors .......................................................................... xi
Foreword: The Potential of Nanotechnology for Clean Water
Resources ............................................................................... xxiii
Mihail C. Roco
Series Editor’s Preface ........................................................... xxv
Preface ................................................................................... xxvii
Acknowledgments .................................................................. xxix
Introduction: Water Purifi cation in the Twenty-First
Century—Challenges and Opportunities ............................... xxxi
Richard C. Sustich, Mark Shannon, and Brian Pianfetti
Part 1 Drinking Water ........................................................ 1
1 Nanometallic Particles for Oligodynamic Microbial Disinfection ... 3
Gordon Nangmenyi and James Economy
2 Nanostructured Visible-Light Photocatalysts for
Water Purification ......................................................................... 17
Qi Li, Pinggui Wu, and Jian Ku Shang
3 Nanostructured Titanium Oxide Film- and Membrane-Based
Photocatalysis for Water Treatment .............................................. 39
Hyeok Choi, Souhail R. Al-Abed, and Dionysios D. Dionysiou
4 Nanotechnology-Based Membranes for Water Purification ............ 47
Eric M.V. Hoek and Asim K. Ghosh
5 Multifunctional Nanomaterial-Enabled Membranes for
Water Treatment ............................................................................ 59
Volodymyr V. Tarabara
6 Nanofluidic Carbon Nanotube Membranes: Applications for
Water Purification and Desalination .............................................. 77
Olgica Bakajin, Aleksandr Noy, Francesco Fornasiero,
Costas P. Grigoropoulos, Jason K. Holt, Jung Bin In,
Sangil Kim,and Hyung Gyu Park
7 Design of Advanced Membranes and Substrates for
Water Purification and Desalination .............................................. 95
James Economy, Jinwen Wang, and Chaoyi Ba
viii Contents
8 Customization and Multistage Nanofiltration Applications for
Potable Water, Treatment, and Reuse ........................................... 107
Curtis D. Roth, Saik Choon Poh, and Diem X. Vuong
9 Commercialization of Nanotechnology for Removal of
Heavy Metals in Drinking Water ................................................... 115
Lisa Farmen
10 U.S.–Israel Workshop on Nanotechnology for Water Purification ... 131
Richard C. Sustich
Part 2 Treatment and Reuse ............................................... 141
11 Water Treatment by Dendrimer-Enhanced Filtration:
Principles and Applications ........................................................... 143
Mamadou S. Diallo
12 Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Disinfection and Microbial Control:
Merits and Limitations .................................................................. 157
Shaily Mahendra, Qilin Li, Delina Y. Lyon,
Lena Brunet and Pedro J.J. Alvarez
13 Possible Applications of Fullerene Nanomaterials in
Water Treatment and Reuse .......................................................... 167
So-Ryong Chae, Ernest M. Hotze, and Mark R. Wiesner
14 Nanomaterials-Enhanced Electrically Switched Ion Exchange
Process for Water Treatment ......................................................... 179
Yuehe Lin, Daiwon Choi, Jun Wang, and Jagan Bontha
15 Detection and Extraction of Pesticides from Drinking
Water Using Nanotechnologies ....................................................... 191
T. Pradeep and Anshup
Part 3 Remediation ............................................................... 213
16 Nanotechnology for Contaminated Subsurface Remediation:
Possibilities and Challenges ........................................................... 215
Denis M. O’Carroll
17 Nanostructured Materials for Improving Water Quality:
Potentials and Risks ....................................................................... 233
Marcells A. Omole, Isaac K’Owino, and Omowunmi A. Sadik
18 Physicochemistry of Polyelectrolyte Coatings that Increase
Stability, Mobility, and Contaminant Specificity of Reactive
Nanoparticles Used for Groundwater Remediation ........................ 249
Tanapon Phenrat and Gregory V. Lowry
Contents ix
19 Heterogeneous Catalytic Reduction for Water Purification:
Nanoscale Effects on Catalytic Activity, Selectivity, and
Sustainability ................................................................................. 269
Timothy J. Strathmann, Charles J. Werth, and John R. Shapley
20 Stabilization of Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles for
Enhanced In Situ Destruction of Chlorinated Solvents in
Soils and Groundwater ................................................................... 281
Feng He, Dongye Zhao, and Chris Roberts
21 Enhanced Dechlorination of Trichloroethylene by
Membrane-Supported Iron and Bimetallic Nanoparticles .............. 293
S. M. C. Ritchie
22 Synthesis of Nanostructured Bimetallic Particles in Polyligand-
Functionalized Membranes for Remediation Applications ............. 311
Jian Xu, Leonidas Bachas, and Dibakar Bhattacharyya
23 Magnesium-Based Corrosion Nano-Cells for Reductive
Transformation of Contaminants ................................................... 337
Shirish Agarwal, Souhail R. Al-Abed, and Dionysios D. Dionysiou
24 Water Decontamination Using Iron and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles ... 347
Kimberly M. Cross, Yunfeng Lu, Tonghua Zheng, Jingjing Zhan,
Gary McPherson, and Vijay John
25 Reducing Leachability and Bioaccessibility of Toxic Metals in
Soils, Sediments, and Solid/Hazardous Wastes Using Stabilized
Nanoparticles ................................................................................. 365
Yinhui Xu, Ruiqiang Liu, and Dongye Zhao
Part 4 Sensors ....................................................................... 375
26 Nanomaterial-Based Biosensors for Detection of Pesticides and
Explosives ...................................................................................... 377
Jun Wang and Yuehe Lin
27 Advanced Nanosensors for Environmental Monitoring .................. 391
Omowunmi A. Sadik
28 A Colorimetric Approach to the Detection of Trace Heavy
Metal Ions Using Nanostructured Signaling Materials ................... 417
Yukiko Takahashi and Toshishige M. Suzuki
29 Functional Nucleic Acid-Directed Assembly of Nanomaterials and
Their Applications as Colorimetric and Fluorescent Sensors for Trace
Contaminants in Water .................................................................. 427
Debapriya Mazumdar, Juewen Liu, and Yi Lu
x Contents
Part 5 Societal Issues ............................................................ 447
Introduction to Societal Issues: The Responsible Development of
Nanotechnology for Water ............................................................. 449
Jeremiah S. Duncan, Nora Savage, and Anita Street
30 Nanotechnology in Water: Societal, Ethical, and Environmental
Considerations ................................................................................ 453
Anita Street, Jeremiah S. Duncan, and Nora Savage
31 Competition for Water ................................................................... 463
Jeremiah S. Duncan, Nora Savage, and Anita Street
32 A Framework for Using Nanotechnology To Improve
Water Quality ................................................................................. 491
Michael E. Gorman, Ahson Wardak, Emma Fauss, and
Nathan Swami
33 International Governance Perspectives on Nanotechnology
Water Innovation ........................................................................... 509
David Rejeski and Evan S. Michelson
34 Nanoscience and Water: Public Engagement At and Below
the Surface ..................................................................................... 521
David M. Berube
35 How Can Nanotechnologies Fulfill the Needs of Developing
Countries? ...................................................................................... 535
David J. Grimshaw, Lawrence D. Gudza, and Jack Stilgoe
36 Challenges to Implementing Nanotechnology Solutions to Water
Issues in Africa ............................................................................... 551
Mbhuti Hlophe and Thembela Hillie
37 Life Cycle Inventory of Semiconductor Cadmium Selenide
Quantum Dots for Environmental Applications ............................. 561
Hatice Sengül and Thomas L. Theis
Part 6 Outlook ...................................................................... 583
38 Nanotechnology Solutions for Improving Water Quality ............... 585
Mamadou S. Diallo, Jeremiah S. Duncan, Nora Savage,
Anita Street, and Richard Sustich
Index ..................................................................................... 589
Contributors .......................................................................... xi
Foreword: The Potential of Nanotechnology for Clean Water
Resources ............................................................................... xxiii
Mihail C. Roco
Series Editor’s Preface ........................................................... xxv
Preface ................................................................................... xxvii
Acknowledgments .................................................................. xxix
Introduction: Water Purifi cation in the Twenty-First
Century—Challenges and Opportunities ............................... xxxi
Richard C. Sustich, Mark Shannon, and Brian Pianfetti
Part 1 Drinking Water ........................................................ 1
1 Nanometallic Particles for Oligodynamic Microbial Disinfection ... 3
Gordon Nangmenyi and James Economy
2 Nanostructured Visible-Light Photocatalysts for
Water Purification ......................................................................... 17
Qi Li, Pinggui Wu, and Jian Ku Shang
3 Nanostructured Titanium Oxide Film- and Membrane-Based
Photocatalysis for Water Treatment .............................................. 39
Hyeok Choi, Souhail R. Al-Abed, and Dionysios D. Dionysiou
4 Nanotechnology-Based Membranes for Water Purification ............ 47
Eric M.V. Hoek and Asim K. Ghosh
5 Multifunctional Nanomaterial-Enabled Membranes for
Water Treatment ............................................................................ 59
Volodymyr V. Tarabara
6 Nanofluidic Carbon Nanotube Membranes: Applications for
Water Purification and Desalination .............................................. 77
Olgica Bakajin, Aleksandr Noy, Francesco Fornasiero,
Costas P. Grigoropoulos, Jason K. Holt, Jung Bin In,
Sangil Kim,and Hyung Gyu Park
7 Design of Advanced Membranes and Substrates for
Water Purification and Desalination .............................................. 95
James Economy, Jinwen Wang, and Chaoyi Ba
viii Contents
8 Customization and Multistage Nanofiltration Applications for
Potable Water, Treatment, and Reuse ........................................... 107
Curtis D. Roth, Saik Choon Poh, and Diem X. Vuong
9 Commercialization of Nanotechnology for Removal of
Heavy Metals in Drinking Water ................................................... 115
Lisa Farmen
10 U.S.–Israel Workshop on Nanotechnology for Water Purification ... 131
Richard C. Sustich
Part 2 Treatment and Reuse ............................................... 141
11 Water Treatment by Dendrimer-Enhanced Filtration:
Principles and Applications ........................................................... 143
Mamadou S. Diallo
12 Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Disinfection and Microbial Control:
Merits and Limitations .................................................................. 157
Shaily Mahendra, Qilin Li, Delina Y. Lyon,
Lena Brunet and Pedro J.J. Alvarez
13 Possible Applications of Fullerene Nanomaterials in
Water Treatment and Reuse .......................................................... 167
So-Ryong Chae, Ernest M. Hotze, and Mark R. Wiesner
14 Nanomaterials-Enhanced Electrically Switched Ion Exchange
Process for Water Treatment ......................................................... 179
Yuehe Lin, Daiwon Choi, Jun Wang, and Jagan Bontha
15 Detection and Extraction of Pesticides from Drinking
Water Using Nanotechnologies ....................................................... 191
T. Pradeep and Anshup
Part 3 Remediation ............................................................... 213
16 Nanotechnology for Contaminated Subsurface Remediation:
Possibilities and Challenges ........................................................... 215
Denis M. O’Carroll
17 Nanostructured Materials for Improving Water Quality:
Potentials and Risks ....................................................................... 233
Marcells A. Omole, Isaac K’Owino, and Omowunmi A. Sadik
18 Physicochemistry of Polyelectrolyte Coatings that Increase
Stability, Mobility, and Contaminant Specificity of Reactive
Nanoparticles Used for Groundwater Remediation ........................ 249
Tanapon Phenrat and Gregory V. Lowry
Contents ix
19 Heterogeneous Catalytic Reduction for Water Purification:
Nanoscale Effects on Catalytic Activity, Selectivity, and
Sustainability ................................................................................. 269
Timothy J. Strathmann, Charles J. Werth, and John R. Shapley
20 Stabilization of Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles for
Enhanced In Situ Destruction of Chlorinated Solvents in
Soils and Groundwater ................................................................... 281
Feng He, Dongye Zhao, and Chris Roberts
21 Enhanced Dechlorination of Trichloroethylene by
Membrane-Supported Iron and Bimetallic Nanoparticles .............. 293
S. M. C. Ritchie
22 Synthesis of Nanostructured Bimetallic Particles in Polyligand-
Functionalized Membranes for Remediation Applications ............. 311
Jian Xu, Leonidas Bachas, and Dibakar Bhattacharyya
23 Magnesium-Based Corrosion Nano-Cells for Reductive
Transformation of Contaminants ................................................... 337
Shirish Agarwal, Souhail R. Al-Abed, and Dionysios D. Dionysiou
24 Water Decontamination Using Iron and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles ... 347
Kimberly M. Cross, Yunfeng Lu, Tonghua Zheng, Jingjing Zhan,
Gary McPherson, and Vijay John
25 Reducing Leachability and Bioaccessibility of Toxic Metals in
Soils, Sediments, and Solid/Hazardous Wastes Using Stabilized
Nanoparticles ................................................................................. 365
Yinhui Xu, Ruiqiang Liu, and Dongye Zhao
Part 4 Sensors ....................................................................... 375
26 Nanomaterial-Based Biosensors for Detection of Pesticides and
Explosives ...................................................................................... 377
Jun Wang and Yuehe Lin
27 Advanced Nanosensors for Environmental Monitoring .................. 391
Omowunmi A. Sadik
28 A Colorimetric Approach to the Detection of Trace Heavy
Metal Ions Using Nanostructured Signaling Materials ................... 417
Yukiko Takahashi and Toshishige M. Suzuki
29 Functional Nucleic Acid-Directed Assembly of Nanomaterials and
Their Applications as Colorimetric and Fluorescent Sensors for Trace
Contaminants in Water .................................................................. 427
Debapriya Mazumdar, Juewen Liu, and Yi Lu
x Contents
Part 5 Societal Issues ............................................................ 447
Introduction to Societal Issues: The Responsible Development of
Nanotechnology for Water ............................................................. 449
Jeremiah S. Duncan, Nora Savage, and Anita Street
30 Nanotechnology in Water: Societal, Ethical, and Environmental
Considerations ................................................................................ 453
Anita Street, Jeremiah S. Duncan, and Nora Savage
31 Competition for Water ................................................................... 463
Jeremiah S. Duncan, Nora Savage, and Anita Street
32 A Framework for Using Nanotechnology To Improve
Water Quality ................................................................................. 491
Michael E. Gorman, Ahson Wardak, Emma Fauss, and
Nathan Swami
33 International Governance Perspectives on Nanotechnology
Water Innovation ........................................................................... 509
David Rejeski and Evan S. Michelson
34 Nanoscience and Water: Public Engagement At and Below
the Surface ..................................................................................... 521
David M. Berube
35 How Can Nanotechnologies Fulfill the Needs of Developing
Countries? ...................................................................................... 535
David J. Grimshaw, Lawrence D. Gudza, and Jack Stilgoe
36 Challenges to Implementing Nanotechnology Solutions to Water
Issues in Africa ............................................................................... 551
Mbhuti Hlophe and Thembela Hillie
37 Life Cycle Inventory of Semiconductor Cadmium Selenide
Quantum Dots for Environmental Applications ............................. 561
Hatice Sengül and Thomas L. Theis
Part 6 Outlook ...................................................................... 583
38 Nanotechnology Solutions for Improving Water Quality ............... 585
Mamadou S. Diallo, Jeremiah S. Duncan, Nora Savage,
Anita Street, and Richard Sustich
Index ..................................................................................... 589