Principles of Statistical Physics: Distributions, Structures, Phenomena, Kinetics of Atomic Systems


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Written for graduate or advanced students as well as for professionals in physics and chemistry, this book includes the fundamental concepts of statistical physics and physical kinetics. These concepts relate to a wide range of physical objects, such as liquids and solids, gases and plasmas, clusters and systems of complex molecules. The book analyzes various structures of many-particle systems, such as crystal structures, lamellar structures, fractal aggregates and fractal structures, while comparing different methods of description for certain systems and phenomena.
Developed from a lecture course on statistical physics and kinetic theory of various atomic systems, the text provides a maximum number of concepts in the simplest way, based on simple problems and using various methods.

Hardcover: 474 pages
Publisher: Wiley-VCH (March 31, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3527406131
ISBN-13: 978-3527406135

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